I need some advice


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Aug 10, 2019
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Hi all,

I need some advice on which TV to buy; I have narrowed it down to the Panasonic TH-42PZ81 (like the sound of FreeSat) or the Samsung LE40A656. But I might end-up going for the 37” Panasonic or Samsung if my wife gets her way.

The big issue I have is that live on the fifth floor of a block of flats and my current CRT TV is in front of the patio window. When it is a sunny day it makes it difficult to see anything on the TV.

So the two questions I have is should TV should I be go for; a plasma or LCD? Also which TV is better?

And finally, I will be sitting about 10ft away form the TV and have a PS3; should I be going for a 37” or 42”?
Thanks for your help.


10ft away, should be 42".

The Panasonic should be better than the CRT for reflective glare (it has an anti-reflective coating which does help), but the LCD will be much better in direct sunlight. Draw the curtain for the plasma? (which is what I do in the morning when my plasma gets direct sunlight).

The Panasonic seems to be getting all the best buy recommendations.


Yeah if you have a problem with the sun reflecting onto your screen, then LCD is certainly the way to go as the plastic screens on LCDs barely reflect anything. On the other hand, plasma sets have a glass screen just like CRTs so you will get the same problems as you have with your CRT. Also, LCDs are brighter and so are generally better for use in very bright places, whereas plasmas have less bright colours and so can look dim when they are in a bright enviroment. In it's ideal settings though, plasmas are better than LCDs, I think.

Also, at 10' then both a 37" and 42" will be fine probably. You will have to test this yourself.


Thanks guys.

I went in to currys today and they have the Samsung LE40656, DVD Home Cinema System - Samsung HTZ310R, and Glass TV Stand for £1199.

Anybody got any thought on the Home cinema system? Also is it a good buy?