I Need Help On How to Hook Up blu ray player and reciever?


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Aug 10, 2019
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Hi Guys -

First off, let me say this is the most informative forum out there...

Well, I have a Denon 3800 blu ray/dvd/cd player and a denon 4308 A/V reciever connected to a 5.1 Dali Ikon setup (2 ikon 6 fronts, 2 ikon 2 rears, vokal 2 for center, and the sub)...My question is how should I hook this up to each other?

Since the blu ray player has better video processing, i dont want the reciever re processing this (due to the silca video processor)...Also, the blu ray player has better audio decoding as well, i believe... See my dilima...How is this going to work? Doest the reciever HAVE to decode in order to control the equlalizer options such as treble and stuff...

Can someone help me choose how to hook this up, without taking away the perfomance of the blu ray player? I just really need the receiver, technically although i may be wrong, is for a place to hook up the speakers???

thanks guys

P.S. If im not making any sense or need me to eleborate more...I will try...I am new to this kind of stuff as you can see

EDIT: should I hook up the blu ray's analogue to the reciever for playing music.... and the blu ray's hdmi to the reciever for playing blu ray movies....


Thanks Andrew so very much

So ill still get the exact same quality of music playback using HDMI, rather than just using the analogue out for music, and HDMI for movies? Im postive your right ( just by looking at your signature,

Consulting Editor, What Hi-Fi? Sound and Vision / whathifi.com
Audio Editor, Gramophone

but i just want to make sure. I want to make good use of the blu ray players DAC and was told it only works via analogue out...

I was also, thinking about the new universal blu ray player, however, its a bit steep...However, i could make use of the "bill me later" payment plan but ill wait unitl the end of next year where the price will fall about half price

thanks once again

Andrew Everard

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May 30, 2007
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It may be worth experimenting with the player's internal conversion for stereo music, using a pair of analogue interconnects, but I would go into the front left and right channel inputs of the receiver's EXT.IN multichannel analogue in, as this should offer the cleanest signal path through the amp. Also use the receiver's Pure Direct mode.

However, given the quality of the conversion built into the Denon receiver, I suspect any differences will be hard to spot.


Sorry to ask, but I had one follow up question. Regarding blu ray movie playback.

Should I output the blu rays as LPCM as well for video data/playback?

And, when selected to LPCM, does the 3800 player decode the HDaudio, or does the receiver decode this? And will the player still "up sample" the cds to 24 bit before sending it to the receiver?

Sorry for asking all of these questions, im new to this, and alot of people say I should use "Analogue interconnects" for audio, due to HDMI "jitter" problems.

thanks WhatHiFi


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