I must be a geek.


Well-known member
Jun 2, 2008
I have watched two favourite DVDs again recently and, yet again, noticed the props department messed up in exactly the same way in both.

'Munich' and 'The Bank Job' both portray the early 1970s (1972-73 and 1971 respectively) and both prominently show Revox B77 open-reel tape recorders being used in certain scenes.

The Revox B77 wasn't introduced until 1978. (It replaced the A77 that had been around since 1967).

Only a minor gaffe spotted by audio geeks like me.

But hold on. These film production units are positively crawling with sound professionals who are 100 times more informed about this sort of gear (Revox, Nagra etc) than a mere hifi enthusiast. They are not all youngsters who wouldn't know any better. How come none of them spot this sort of thing first? I am sure an A77 could be obtained fairly easily.

They can get everything else right... cars, street furniture, clothes, interior decoration, cameras, refrigerators and even brands of cigarettes that are no longer available.

I don't interrupt films with this sort of observation. I keep it to myself so as not to ruin other people's enjoyment but I can share it here.

Clare (if you are reading this) you own a Revox B77. Have you also seen these two movies? Did it bug you too?
I'm sure this passed everyone by. Except you. Congratulations - King of the Geeks!

When you look at the credit list at the end of each film, it goes on and on. One would think that everything would be authentic, yet sometimes (especially US films) there are too many people involved and the odd nuance gets missed. C'est la vie.

Mind you, I'm a bit geeky when it comes to dialogue: I can't watch a film or tv drama without scrutinising the script.
I have watched two favourite DVDs again recently and, yet again, noticed the props department messed up in exactly the same way in both.

'Munich' and 'The Bank Job' both portray the early 1970s (1972-73 and 1971 respectively) and both prominently show Revox B77 open-reel tape recorders being used in certain scenes.

The Revox B77 wasn't introduced until 1978. (It replaced the A77 that had been around since 1967).

Only a minor gaffe spotted by audio geeks like me.

But hold on. These film production units are positively crawling with sound professionals who are 100 times more informed about this sort of gear (Revox, Nagra etc) than a mere hifi enthusiast. They are not all youngsters who wouldn't know any better. How come none of them spot this sort of thing first? I am sure an A77 could be obtained fairly easily.

They can get everything else right... cars, street furniture, clothes, interior decoration, cameras, refrigerators and even brands of cigarettes that are no longer available.

I don't interrupt films with this sort of observation. I keep it to myself so as not to ruin other people's enjoyment but I can share it here.

Clare (if you are reading this) you own a Revox B77. Have you also seen these two movies? Did it bug you too?

Chebby, well spotted!

Did you also spot, in the case of Munich, the terrible script? It all starts off so well. The delineation of the hit squad covertly assembled by Golda Meir and her inner cabal is reasonably done. Thereafter, following a few suspenseful retributions, the whole thing collapses into pseudo-philosophical babble juxtaposed with buildings exploding. I was really disappointed because the aims of the film are admirable.

cf. The Baader-Meinhof Complex film. Marginally better than Munich, perhaps. in trying to unravel the moral ambiguities in defining, defending or condemning acts of violence by or against the state.
I have watched two favourite DVDs again recently and, yet again, noticed the props department messed up in exactly the same way in both.

'Munich' and 'The Bank Job' both portray the early 1970s (1972-73 and 1971 respectively) and both prominently show Revox B77 open-reel tape recorders being used in certain scenes.

The Revox B77 wasn't introduced until 1978. (It replaced the A77 that had been around since 1967).

Only a minor gaffe spotted by audio geeks like me.

But hold on. These film production units are positively crawling with sound professionals who are 100 times more informed about this sort of gear (Revox, Nagra etc) than a mere hifi enthusiast. They are not all youngsters who wouldn't know any better. How come none of them spot this sort of thing first? I am sure an A77 could be obtained fairly easily.

They can get everything else right... cars, street furniture, clothes, interior decoration, cameras, refrigerators and even brands of cigarettes that are no longer available.

I don't interrupt films with this sort of observation. I keep it to myself so as not to ruin other people's enjoyment but I can share it here.

Clare (if you are reading this) you own a Revox B77. Have you also seen these two movies? Did it bug you too?

My girlfriend calls me geek for my love of hi fi...but you're in a different league- that is just plain weird Chebby 🙂 ...kidding of course! I always miss the movie mess ups, unlike my girlfriend who always spots mistakes made.
I don't think that you are a geek. You are however burdened with too much knowledge about too many things and should just chill out more.
idc:I don't think that you are a geek. You are however burdened with too much knowledge about too many things and should just chill out more.
Too much knowledge...how can that be a burden! Give me Stephen Fry's knowledge any day 🙂
My wife feels entirely uninhibited about announcing any continuity mistakes she spots in a film but if I mention a car or aircraft (for instance) that could not have existed then I get the 'evil eye'.

In the first episode of West Wing we see Toby on an aircraft talking to a stewardess about the aircaft they are on. (She has asked him to switch off his cellphone.)

The episode is based in 1999 and he talks about the aircraft being a Lockheed L1011 that rolled off the line 20 months ago.

The last L1011 (or TriStar) was made in 1984.

I made the mistake of mentioning this gaffe and got moaned at. I no longer mention gaffes with cars, aircraft, hifis, cameras etc. (Even when the hero is using a Leica M3 to the accompanying sounds of an SLR on auto-wind with flash bulbs popping!)
I think it is just that movie sound engineers do not get to chosoe the props. and those that do just get it about rigt (enough to make sure most of the viewers get the desired effect). A77 or B77 I think is good enough.

your knowledge is what you have and you can be proud of it. it is one of a few things that nobody can take away from you. any of us has more knowledge than others in a particular area. some are very advanced in one or more areas. we are also different in how useful this knowledge is for us themsleves and others.
Re the Revox in Munich: my husband noticed. I was too busy looking at Daniel Craig

Have only seen The Bank Job on a plane, so wasn't really able to pick out any detail (see also plot, acting etc).
Clare Newsome:

Re the Revox in Munich: my husband noticed. I was too busy looking at Daniel Craig

Have only seen The Bank Job on a plane, so wasn't really able to pick out any detail (see also plot, acting etc).

Daniel Craig over a Revox?
EDIT - have decide to mod this sentence as it may be misconstrude (Gawd, i'm an idiot)

TAKE TWO: You prefer to look at Daniel Craig than gawp at a Revox?
Chebby, maybe there's a job in the film industry tailored to your expertise ? To sweeten the deal , a six figure salary. I can clearly see the execs pounding on your door .
My wife feels entirely uninhibited about announcing any continuity mistakes she spots in a film but if I mention a car or aircraft (for instance) that could not have existed then I get the 'evil eye'.

In the first episode of West Wing we see Toby on an aircraft talking to a stewardess about the aircaft they are on. (She has asked him to switch off his cellphone.)

The episode is based in 1999 and he talks about the aircraft being a Lockheed L1011 that rolled off the line 20 months ago.

The last L1011 (or TriStar) was made in 1984.

I made the mistake of mentioning this gaffe and got moaned at. I no longer mention gaffes with cars, aircraft, hifis, cameras etc. (Even when the hero is using a Leica M3 to the accompanying sounds of an SLR on auto-wind with flash bulbs popping!)


and Yes!!

I am glad I am not alone in the world of pedant observation, these things actually irritate me to the point of totally spoiling a film

Didn't notice the Revox gaffe though, I don't know that much about open reels. I think these points need to be recorded on the imdb website where the importance of such trivia is appreciated, and no I'm not being sarcastic! I think it's quite right that these thing are noticed, otherwise important stuff in the world either goes wrong or doesn't happen.
SteveR750:I am glad I am not alone in the world of pedant observation, these things actually irritate me to the point of totally spoiling a film

Oh come on.

Actually, what annoys me most is computer hackers sitting at a terminal going "tap tap tap tap tap (really fast and actually typing jdhdodjsifkdmdkdidkdkdodldo) OK I'm into the Pentagon Mainframe".
JohnDuncan:SteveR750:I am glad I am not alone in the world of pedant observation, these things actually irritate me to the point of totally spoiling a film

Oh come on.

Actually, what annoys me most is computer hackers sitting at a terminal going "tap tap tap tap tap (really fast and actually typing jdhdodjsifkdmdkdidkdkdodldo) OK I'm into the Pentagon Mainframe".

My favourite EVER computing hilarity in movies was the 12-year-old girl in Jurassic Park, who sits down at the computer and says, efffectively, 'hey I know this, it's UNIX!'

Anyhow, going back to the original post, him-indoors - a hi-fi geek and proudly so - informs me there is a specific website that covers sightings of reel-to-reel machines in movies/TV. And here it is
JohnDuncan:SteveR750:I am glad I am not alone in the world of pedant observation, these things actually irritate me to the point of totally spoiling a film Oh come on. Actually, what annoys me most is computer hackers sitting at a terminal going "tap tap tap tap tap (really fast and actually typing jdhdodjsifkdmdkdidkdkdodldo) OK I'm into the Pentagon Mainframe".

I know but sadly it's true, it actually makes me annoyed.

Even worse than the random keyboard tapping is the totally random computer software programmes that flash across the screen like some drunken cyber ballet that appear to almost have a life of their own; clearly not developed by MS then.
JohnDuncan:SteveR750:I am glad I am not alone in the world of pedant observation, these things actually irritate me to the point of totally spoiling a film Oh come on. Actually, what annoys me most is computer hackers sitting at a terminal going "tap tap tap tap tap (really fast and actually typing jdhdodjsifkdmdkdidkdkdodldo) OK I'm into the Pentagon Mainframe".

Yeah that really gets on my ...............although perhaps thats how you actually get in, by typing random letters as fast as possible so as to confuse said main frame.

Are we talking War Games, Patriot Games, Ferris Bueller, Lethal Weapon 5...

ouahsdboahebfovibsdihf vlsdhcf lbflvbsdfgvsnfujgnosdnfvjsldfjnbsnfdvlsdfhvbljdflvblsfdnbjsndkfjbvjsrgiuavjnzldh l fljgvkajsndv;jadvhfjvnjfnvjfjvnjalafkvblsfkbnlsjdfnbjkljfnbkj.

There thats got me into The What Hifi main frame..................................................................

Just found out John Duncan has a BUSH television.
JohnDuncan:SteveR750:I am glad I am not alone in the world of pedant observation, these things actually irritate me to the point of totally spoiling a film Oh come on. Actually, what annoys me most is computer hackers sitting at a terminal going "tap tap tap tap tap (really fast and actually typing jdhdodjsifkdmdkdidkdkdodldo) OK I'm into the Pentagon Mainframe".

I know but sadly it's true, it actually makes me annoyed.

Even worse than the random keyboard tapping is the totally random computer software programmes that flash across the screen like some drunken cyber ballet that appear to almost have a life of their own; clearly not developed by MS then.

Cant say I am bothered at all about about this kind of problem, its not like theres a 2010 Bugatti Veyron in JFK for example!

However, the computer stuff does make me laugh. I particularly like the strange bleepy noises when people type, and the even stranger bleepy noises when a screen is "loading". If that was real world I would want to throw my PC out of the window.

JohnDuncan:SteveR750:I am glad I am not alone in the world of pedant observation, these things actually irritate me to the point of totally spoiling a film Oh come on. Actually, what annoys me most is computer hackers sitting at a terminal going "tap tap tap tap tap (really fast and actually typing jdhdodjsifkdmdkdidkdkdodldo) OK I'm into the Pentagon Mainframe".

I know but sadly it's true, it actually makes me annoyed.

Even worse than the random keyboard tapping is the totally random computer software programmes that flash across the screen like some drunken cyber ballet that appear to almost have a life of their own; clearly not developed by MS then.

If that was real world I would want to throw my PC out of the window.

What you don't already.....you must be the only one!

I once pitched a hole puncher at my PC and it made me feel a lot better,,,,,, although the A key started playing up on the keyboard after that ............................which was rubbish...


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