I know i said no I tunes....... but


Well-known member
Nov 29, 2007
I am considering re ripping my cds............................ for the last time. as there are issues with the tags on WAV files

so it seems that some of these lossless formats are as good as WAV but there are better ID standards for track ID etc...

So there an easy way to fix the current tracks and keep them as WAV files or do i take a few months and re rip to something like I tunes or....

All i want to do is play albums in the way the "band" put them on the CD.

Oh and there are only 500ish CD´s
Lossless is lossless.

WAV however has the disadvantage of not tagging, and it uses more file space!

Apple Lossless and FLAC are better alternatives.

You might be able to use software like dbPowerAmp to convert your WAVs to FLAC as a batch, and somehow apply the names of the file folders into tags?

Failing that, you could open all of the WAV in iTunes, right-click, and convert to Apple Lossless, providing Apple Lossless is prescribed in the settings menu as the import option. However, seeing as there are no tags in your WAVs this may end up messy...
If they're ripped to WAV already, then no point in ripping them again, unless you have a niggle in the back of your mind that they're not bitperfect. Assuming this is not an issue, most of the apps mentioned like dbPoweramp, Max, iTunes, blah de blah can convert in batch to a lossless format.

However, I am presuming that your WAVs have been catalogued somehow - so they may not be tagged in themselves, but you still have the track data in your media player, yeah? So what are you actually trying to achieve, practically? I mean there's the disk space issue, but apart from that?
the problem is this for example

clicky for bigger

Squeeze center does not see the album order. and it is a tad anoying when you want to listen to an album and not a play list.
Ah right so this is to do with the Track Number issue you mentioned elsewhere? I didn;t get involved cos I don't know squeeezecenter, but I suspect the issue lies more with that than anything intrinsic in using WAV. I'll have a dig.
That's what happens with WAV because there is no tag info to tell SqueezeCentre what the track number is.

But it all in iTunes and then you can define the track number of each song in an album - 1 of 12, 3 of 15, etc, etc.

It might turn out to be quite manual but it's only a Thursday evening.

Perhaps try it with one CD and decide if it's quicker to rip the CD again, or to tag the CD manually.

I can't help but wonder if all this has happened because you have following Audiophile nonsense of WAV and Squeezebox, when with Apple prejudice!
JohnDuncan:I wonder if this might help you - even if you have to convert to something else first (I'd go FLAC tbh), might speed up the collection of missing tags.....

i like that, as even if your ripper tags well, its good for sorting the odd bad tag or any inconsistencies you have.

Incidentally, something like ripstation micro DS will allow you to rip to a lossless format and mp3 at the same time, so you could keepa 320kbps mp3 backup aswell as a flac or apple lossless backup, then you'd be fully covered.
I don't know if this helps,
but I had the same problem with
Squeezecenter playing CDs in wrong track order with my Flac files the
only way I fixed it was to hit the rename on every track and prefix it
with 01, 02, 03 ect and found this works a treat, hassle I know but it
works, would be grateful if anyone has any better ideas?
i think as you already have flac files one of the file taggers would work ok.

but i am still learing this tagging thing.

Yes I do have tagging but the Squeezecenter still plays them in alphabetical order rather than numerical as on a CD,

I don't know whether its Squeezecenter listing like this or maybe Vista...............

As for art download" Album cover art downloader" its free and works a treat .............


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