I heard over 150 products in 2024 and these are my 5 hi-fi highlights

The Buckeye Monoblocks for $2300 a pair offer better specs and a lot more power than 99% of the amps out there. www.buckeyeamp.com
And where, pray tell, are the monoblock power amps in this list?
That's right, they're not there, and the Buckeyes equally haven't been reviewed by this magazine.
So your point is "I like these other things that you haven't reviewed and aren't comparable in any way to the things that you listed."
Pointless trolling.
The Buckeye Monoblocks for $2300 a pair offer better specs and a lot more power than 99% of the amps out there. www.buckeyeamp.com
Hi-fi is all about the actual listening and not the specs and 30W @ 8ohms delivered well is enough for most UK homes. Not quite sure where a US home made class D amp that sells itself on the power at 2ohms fits in here?
Hi-fi is all about the actual listening and not the specs and 30W @ 8ohms delivered well is enough for most UK homes. Not quite sure where a US home made class D amp that sells itself on the power at 2ohms fits in here?
Not everyone lives in the UK, this site now is international.
Stereophile give it a decent review. If you live in the US it is one to consider around that price. If you are not in the USA, then there could be issues with shipping, tax, warranty and servicing.
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I would not touch Naim streamers.

Quite a few users have had problems with them,which could not be resolved, so they sold at a big loss and went elsewhere.

I don't know what other streamers they tested this year. Innuos would be one brand to consider.

Heard of very few problems from users and their service is said to be excellent, unlike some Chinese manufacturers.
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WHF isn't looking over and beyond what's out there, these are essentially products the manufacturers send across for review, it's a kind of Symbiosis relationship, WHF gets material for their publication and the manufacturer gets the thumbs up.

You can't really say this is defacto where all others are benchmarked, no doubt these are good products or maybe even great but you need to put it into perspective, WHF is just a puddle but outside it's a ******** ocean!

Just to provide an analogy, WHF top choice Naim NSS 333 costs £8,499 but looks like it's has been put together in a garage. If I had this kind of money to spend on a streamer, I'll save more than half of it and go for the Eversolo DMP-A10 for £3,599 and the rest, I'll book a holiday for me and my missus in Cuba. 🙂

Though the cost of the Naim NSS 333 seems palry compared to the Aurender N20 which according to other main stream reviews rank it very highly, possibly the King of Streamer/DACs but are you tempted to part £14k+ to get the best?

To sum up, this isn't a criticism of WHF per se, it does a lot of positive things, like providing a platform where people can exchange ideas and learn things. I put more credence to peoples own experiences with regard to products they've actually used over a course of time. This has more depth than reviewing a product one off but have you lived with it?
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