HRT MUSICStreamer II+ recent purchase


New member
Dec 25, 2014
It's not been long since I have enjoyed listening to music through something more than just my cheap laptop speakers, earlier this year I bought myself a pair of B&W S3 603s coupled with a NAD C370 amplifier. I was so happy when I coupled everything up and started to listen to my music library off my laptop, it was definitely a vast improvement. Obviously, the bottle neck for quality was in the laptop soundcard and I started to research how I could overcome that with some external soundcard. After looking over the internet I discovered external DACs made by HRT, their reputation soon became apparent to me and being as they lay in my price range I thought that would be a pretty good choice. I unpacked it thismorning connected it all up and it was working as it said it would be with the drivers from windows update. As most people will know it displays the bit rate the DAC is working at on the DAC itself. I was wondering if it were possible to have the DAC change the bit rate automatically depending on the bit rate of the music I am listening to at that time. Is there another driver that I can get that allow this, I have searched the internet and found people are using something called ASIO but I am not sure if that would provide me with that functionality. I just want to make sure I am getting the most out of the hear that I have. I was under the impression that the volume would be fixed on the computer but all that is adjustable as usual I want to make sure that it's all installed and working as it should be.

Cheers Luke, and merry Christmas.


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