How Much Would You Pay?


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Jul 17, 2008
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A lot of companies seem to be offering pay monthly download services now. I think we're going to get to a point where someone is going to give you unlimited music for a monthly fee. I know Spotify will give you free streaming with some ads, but I mean CD quality downloads to keep forever, as many as you like in the month. My question is what would be willing to pay for such a service.

Personally, if anyone launched this at around £20 - £30 a month I'd sign up. I have a feeling though that £50 may be nearer the mark.


The Virgin service does look pretty good.

Question is what quality of file would you get from such a service?

iTunes only offers 256 kbps AACs and aside from the ability to put the song on your iPod/Phone the £10 a month subscription to Spotify Premium is a better deal IMO.

On the other hand though, I can't see the average user wanting to download a 30Mb+ AIFF file on a capped connection...


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Jul 17, 2008
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I read about the Virgin one but so far it's only Universal and there's no mention of quality of download. Will downloads work with iTunes? It's a step in the right direction though!


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Th Virgin service at present looks like it is competition for Napster, but as you say harveymt, will it be like Napster and not be compatible with itunes? I am sticking with Spotify as I find Ogg Vorbis to provide better sound quality than MP3 and AAC. I am not so hung up on bit rates now I have heard how good a compressed file can sound with Ogg Vorbis.

Hopefully we will end up with at least Apple, Virgin and Spotify plus the likes of Pirate Bay going legitimate, providing streaming and downloads, for free with adverts or by subscription, with all music from even the likes of AC/DC (who don't at present want to join the online download world) available .


i've always wanted a subscription service but more so for Movie Rentals on iTunes.

could they not work a system like Love film or blocky i.e. unlimited rentals for £15 a month.

I do like downloading from itunes for its ease of use but to be honest the CD's from or HMV are either cheaper or the same price so if can wait I prefer to buy the actual CD. that way you can get the lossless format.


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Jul 17, 2008
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The physical CDs do appear cheaper. Putting the environmental hat on for a sec, downloads are better for the environment as you are saving on plastic for cases, energy used in manufacturing and energy used in transport and delivery. Taking those costs into account, downloads should be cheaper again and better for the environment. Until you can get the lossless files though for the right price then I'd say CDs will still be popular.


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