How much would i have to spend to get same performance from Lehmann Audio Black Cube in Hi-Fi amp?

Hi danny. Do you mean is there a stereo amplifier that has the same performance with its headphone jack as you would get from a dedicated headphone amp such as the Black Cube?
thanks for the reply. no, i meant to get similar performance in an integrated amplifier. in the same way some people say to get the same performance from the higher end grado headphones you would have to spend at least £3000 on speakers?

does that make sense? i think i am confusing myself now!
I think we mean the same thing. I have never read of a test specifically on the headphone outs from integrated amps, let alone in comparison to a dedicated headphone amp. My Denon amp and the Yamaha amp I used in an audition once were both perfectly acceptable for headphones. Moving from the Denon to an X-CANV2 (as the Rega Mira did not have a headphone jack) was an improvement with my SR80s. The soundstage in particular got wider.
I used to own a Lehmann Audio Black Cube Linear and i was so impressed with how controlled it sounded, i think what i'm trying to say is how much would i have to spend to get similar performance from a integrated hi-fi amp? forget the headphone jack on the amp!

Sorry, i'm not to clever at getting my point across lol

Regards Danny
So basically, you had a headphone amp set up but want a traditional set up (Amp, Speakers and a Source - which I guess you have?) that will deliver the same performance??

Is that right??
Hi Messiah I've noticed you havs a sub with your Avi's does it make a big difference? and have you demo'd any others with them?
Ps sorry to hijack this thread
Hi Nick,

It does make a difference in helping with those lower frequencies that the AVI's don't produce. However, I only really use if for movies nowadays as I am very happy with the generic sound of the AVI's.

I have not tried any other subs as I have been very happy with this one for years now. However, when funds allow sometime in the distant future, I will try out the AVI sub.

** And to the OP, do you have a budget in mind??
I understand now and your comment about Grados and £3000 speakers. To me the whole listening experience of headphones vs speakers makes comparisons very difficult. When you say you were impressed with how controlled the sound was, I would concentrate on sound a like as opposed to actual cost.

My suggestion would be to list what you liked about the sound from the Black Cube and post that asking for an amp that would sound similar.
at the momemt my budget is £1000 maximum. I am thinking along the lines a Roksan Kandy K2 amp & B&W 685 speakers (i can stretch to that)
Yes we like the sound to! it is really great with female vocals, Eva Cassidy,Annie Lenox but I think Eric Bibb and Seasick Steve also sound fantastic.They do struggle with Maria Maria From Santana if the volume is turned up,but then most speakers I have heard struggle with it.
most amps with B&W 685's work well. for £1000 i would go for a lesser amp but then match a B&W asw608 subwoofer. i use a

denon m37 (only 30 watts per channel but its high voltage out put which makes up for it)

B&W 685's

i demoed my combination in my local shop with subwoofer and it was amazing!!


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