How easily can I change out the dvd player on my Sony Davis10 for a blu ray player


New member
Aug 10, 2019
Hi i bought the DAVIS10 for the minimal speakers but know would like to add a blu ray player. I wouldnt mind using dvd player for the kids play room but it has a fixed cable from the dvd player which plugs into the sub woofer. So I dont know whether I would need a new sub woofer as well.... I dont want something that will overload the speakers either.. any ideas ??
The player unit also contains all the control circuitry for the system, so neither it nor the subwoofer will work separately.
Thanks for a scarily quick response, so any recomendations on changing out the player unit and sub woofer as they could be sent to the kids room and I can get some extra speakers for them. The bit that I cant change is the speakers for the DAVIS10 they have to stay... any thoughts welcomed..
The only real solution is to buy another similar Sony system with built-in Blu-ray playback, and use it with the speakers you currently have.

The BDV-360IS is the one that springs to mind.
Thats what I was thinking off I hope the kids appreciate the cast offs..lbut one last throw of the dice would there be any way to run a blu ray player through the DAVIS10 player unit piggybacking it so to speak.. thanks for your advice
You could connect a Blu-ray player direct via HDMI into your TV, and to the DAV-IS10 using an optical or electrical digital connection, but you won't get the full benefit of the HD audio on Blu-ray discs, as standard optical/electrical digital doesn't have the bandwidth to carry the hi-res audio.


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