how do know the weight??


New member
Feb 19, 2009
i bought my genie2 3months ago as a ex-display model out of a window for £120 so it was set up for me and a carefully took it home and away i went. i am pleased but for xmas the mrs said she will get me something and i said by then i might need a new cartridge i like the look of the red ortofon for £80 but it says it tracks at 1.8g how on earth would i work out were to put the counterweight or do i would i just play and keep moving it till it sounds good.

The next question is im using an old rotel rx202mk2 as a phono stage how much better would a ca640p sound

many thanks in advance simon
The manual has the information. If you don't have it, vinylengine may have it. If not, ask the dealer. Whatever you do, don't just adjust until it sounds good! You could cause problems with the cartridge's suspension.

As to the phono stage, I'd doubt the CA 640 is better than the Rotel, though I've not heard the latter. I have the CA 640p, and while it's OK, it's not that special and not an improvement over my Rega fono mini, which is cheaper and livelier.

Set the cartridge up first would be my advice before you consider changing, as they have far more influence over the sound.
like i say im not changing the cartridge for a good 5months but you say i might not have the ortofon 3e set up right. I have the manual its a just a 2 page book purple cover very hard to understand i just left it hoping the dealer set it up right.

When i drop the arm of the craddle it slides back to the craddle unless i put it over the edge of the record then it does not fall back. The counterweight is a bout smack in the middle and the middle of the cartridge is inline with the middle pin of the turntable. Hope that makes sense.

so do you reckon im better with rega phono stage?

what about project phono stages around the £100 mark i would like to match it either to the deck or to the dac-magic that it will sit next to thats why i said 640p.

My sound is really good laided back smooth sound and i have no crackles unless the vinyl is useless.
sorry mate could you give a link pal

and what do i do take a record off and put the scales on the deck????
i have a long which stick thing which has cris-cross lines on with 6 holes that say 1 2 3 20 15 10 with mN in the corner what is that for
Good suggestion Scales are the easy option, forgot to mention them.

Ortofon scales are cheap and available from cheaply - bought mine there - or your local hifi shop may have them. Nothing fancy, just put the needle on the marking corresponding to the correct weight and move the counterweight until the balance goes down, or up depending on its initial position. Works like a see-saw.

You could buy digital but it's not worth it given the cost and how often you'll use them. You might also look at the Ortofon level thacker sells - really neat and cheap.
Yes! That's to the long sticky thing. Put the needle on the right line, and adjust the counterweight until the balance goes extremely gently down.
giving me headache now it does not say anywhere in the instructions what number i should be putting the needle on.
cheers lads just had a play and not really had to do anything but i now feel quite happy with swapping a simple cartridge in a few months.
The numbers refer to the tracking weight, but in newtons. Multiply the recommended tracking force of your cartridge by ten then use the figure that corresponds on the scales. In your case, that would be between 15 and 20. I'd start by using 15 and see how that goes. Don't forget to set the anti-skating to zero before you start then set it back once you've finished.

Setting the weight is only the start, by the way, after that you'll have to align the cartridge in the headshell, then check tracking weight again and adjust if necessary.
ok i might just leave it im not messing with the head and the anti skate thing i cant see where to set it 0 but thanks for your time very helpful as always.
it is a standard arm that comes with the genie2 and i think the standard cart ortofon 3e im playing the chain fleetwood mac and it sounds top notch my spotify into dacmagic cant get close.
Guys, guys, PLEASE......

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