home cinema


New member
Aug 10, 2019
i am buying the panasonic txp50v20b tele with the bd65 blue ray player,I currently have a yamaha rx v595 amplifier with jamo cornet 75 floor standing speakers with the jamo center 18 speaker and jamo 25 rear speakers for a sub i am using the sony SA WM 40.I have been told that the latest blue ray audio recordings will not be decoded by my amp.what are my options.should i change my whole set up,or just the amp.
would the panasonic bd85 do the same job.do you think my system is weighted to much to the front or is it just a set up problem as i do not get to much response from the rear speakers,do you think changing them would help.
the pana costs a bit more though, £99 for the sony is very good value..


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