Home Cinema Upgrade.


New member
Aug 10, 2019
Please Help!

My current system is TV:Samsung LE40A656A, Blu Ray: Samsung BD-P1500 , Sky + (not HD) and a Sony HCD S300 5.1 Home Cinema DVD.

The Sony is up for upgrading, would it make sense to go for AV amp seperates (bearing in mind tight budget) and if so Which ones would be best suited, and also best for connectivity....HDMI or optical?? I am using components into the Sony at present but know that the Sky+ has optical audio.

Please HELP.
For that budget, i would look at the Kef 1005,2 and the forthcoming Onkyo 507. that would leave enough for speaker cables. Another option going upto just over £700 would be the Q Acoustic 1010i. Or going for a £400 amp like the Onkyo 577, Denon 1909, Sony 2400es, Yamaha ax763 and The Kefs 1005.2 for £229. A possible upgrade in speakers in the future. Whatever you decide allow for speaker cables, sub cable Hdmi cables, speaker stands or wall brackets.
Many thanx for your input guys. Certainly given me food for thought. Will take a look in depth into both options. Cheers
Tested both systems today, and I must agree with professorhat. The Kef's with the Sony STR-DG820 was soooo good, although, I have another problem as was able to also hear the difference in the KHT 2005.3 speakers too. Think I'm gonna have to re think on the affor mentioned budget. decisions, decisions!
Thanks again guys!


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