Home cinema dilema


Well-known member
Dec 24, 2007

I was all set to buy the Panasonic SCBT200 after reading the reviews, but then reading other reviews/posts I started thinking maybe I should get an amp and speakers instead as I already have a BD35 Bluray player.

I was looking at either the Jamo A102's or the recently reduced QA 1010i speakers but don't know what amp to put with either, I would like the option of adding an ipod/iphone dock to play some music.

I have only ever had a one box system so don't know if these separates would be an improvement over the SCBT200

Can someone please advise

If you're spending a similar amount, it's usual that a separates system will be better than an all-in-one unit. Given that the SC-BT200 includes a Blu-Ray player and you already have one, this makes even more sense since you only need to purchase an amplifier and a speaker package for the same money!

I would definitely go for the QA 1010i package if you're happy with the styling - they will provide a better sound than the Jamos without question. Amp wise, I'd look at something like the Sony STR-DH800 or the Onkyo TX-SR577 - the Denon 1910 is a great amp but at around £430 it's going to put your budget up quite substantially. If you can afford it though, definitely worth checking the Denon out.


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