Human eye resolution is, I read somewhere, about 1 minute of arc or 1/60th of a degree.
Whether you can see individual pixels depends on how close you are to the screen.
At about 1 foot (or about holding your cellphone close to your face) it's about 300 pixels per inch. ( Maths for those interested - resolution in pixels per inch = 1/(distance in inches from eyeball to screen * sin(1/60 degree))
At 6 feet (or about sitting on the couch watching TV in a typical UK living room) it's about 47 pixels per inch.
At 12 feet it's about 24 pixels per inch.
At 24 feet it's about 12 pixels per inch.
At 48 feet it's about 6 pixels per inch.
A typical "large" 75 inch UHD TV has 3840/75 = about 51 pixels per inch. An 8K TV would have about 100. So unless you're sitting closer than 6 feet from your TV you won't be able to discern individual pixels on a 75 inch UHD TV. That doubles to 12 feet on an 8K TV.
On a 140 inch diagonal (122 ish inch or 10 ft ish wide)16:9 PJ screen 3860 pixels means a pixel size of 0.032 inches or about 31 pixels per inch BTW. So for my media room, with a 19 foot length, 12'6" width and with the closest couch about 10 feet from the screen I would only just (if at all) be able to make out individual pixels at UHD resolution, probably not at all at 8K resolution.
And all of the above assumes you've got perfect vision and that the pixels stay still long enough for your brain to process them.
The upshot of all this is that in a typical British 15 ft x 12 ft living room, even on a "large" 75 inch UHD TV the pixel resolution is already nearly double the limit of the human eye's perception. Going to 8K is superfluous unless you plan on sitting 3 feet away from a very large TV, in which case you probably wouldn't be able to see the edges of the picture whilst looking at the centre anyway.
The only caveats I would add are that:
(1) the human brain has an uncanny knack of telling us a picture is "grainy" if the resolution isn't twice the limit of our abilities to discern it;
(2) there is an obvious benefit, say in a cinema, where a 40 foot screen (1/8 inch pixel size at 4K, 1/16 inch pixel size at 8K) has to be pleasantly viewable by people sitting 30 or 40 feet back and 80 to 100 feet back.