hifi set up in a very small room


New member
Aug 10, 2019

I have a very small room for a new hifi set up. It is only 2,5 by 3 meter.

Is this room too small to put in a real hifi system (amp, speaker, cd player)?

Is there anyone who have a hifi sytem in such a small room and what are the results?

thanks in advance
That's a small room indeed, but I think it will definately accomodate a proper hifi. You could look at the one box systems from Arcam or Naim paired with something like Neat Motive 2s which are very small. Or maybe a couple components from Cyrus which are half the normal width of components. There are many small standmount speakers that would sound great in a small room like that. Spendor SA1, B&W CM1, PMC DB1i, or the tiny Dali minuets. All great choices that are all pretty much impervious to room boundaries. My pick would be the PMCs, a dynamite speaker. Good luck 🙂
I wouldn't say the B&W or PMC models are 'impervious' to room boundaries, far from it.

You could take a look at the new Spendor S3/5r2's though, which are touted to be fairly close to the SA1's. I'm struggling to think of another speaker that I could safely recommend in a room of that size, except maybe the ATC SCM7's, but you'd need to be looking at the Cyrus 8xp to really drive them properly.

Spendor does go very well with Cyrus, so do try that combination out. Alternatively, try Arcam's Mini Solo, which has a fair amount of drive for such a small unit.
The Sonus Faber Toys would be ideal, as would Totem Dreamcatchers.
FrankHarveyHiFi said:
I wouldn't say the B&W or PMC models are 'impervious' to room boundaries, far from it. You could take a look at the new Spendor S3/5r2's though, which are touted to be fairly close to the SA1's. I'm struggling to think of another speaker that I could safely recommend in a room of that size, except maybe the ATC SCM7's, but you'd need to be looking at the Cyrus 8xp to really drive them properly. Spendor does go very well with Cyrus, so do try that combination out. Alternatively, try Arcam's Mini Solo, which has a fair amount of drive for such a small unit.

It seems to me SCM7s would be absolutely ideal as a possibility. Why are you mentioning Cyrus in particular here David? There are many suitable amps the OP could consider with ATC SCM7s. If it had to be Cyrus, this would clearly include the Cyrus 6XP. As I've just posted on another thread, this month's WHF describes the combo of 6XP and SCM11s as producing a 'wonderful all round sound quality'. FWIW David, you have previously posted that a Naim Uniti can happily drive SCM40s. Why are you now saying 7s would need Cyrus 8XP as a minimum?

I know your answer will be 'to really drive them properly'. Without getting into (another) semantic debate with you, this is a fairly meaningless phrase. My Primare A33.2 (120w) drives my 11s - extremely well IMO. But if I upgraded to the A32 (300w) it would obviously drive them better. This does not mean that the A33.2 was not driving them properly. In fact, what it shows is that the ATCs are so good, they're capable of giving an audible improvement every time you upgrade components. This is a positive and not a negative.

Given the high regard I have for ATC, I follow posts involving them with interest - which means I see your posts on them. Whilst you have wavered and been inconsistent on them over the months and years, it seems to me you are on a major downer with them at the moment, consistently posting negative comments and advising people to look elsewhere. Why do you even stock them??