Only expensive hifi unit,product i have is my Marantz PM8005, other than that everything i have is budget,value for money,bang for the money, so i have to make hifi on a budget thread
HIFIME SABRE 9018 I think is great for the money replaced my M2tech hiface 2 usb to spdif and my t c electronic bmc-2, wider more deeper soundstage,doesn't sound agressive and the bass is good, not as boomy,fullbodied than im used to,it's claener less bommy
I wanted to upgrade my speaker cable and try som thick speaker cable, was already using supra interconnect's, found this thread about supra classic 6.0 (6.0 mm), i feel with this cable im not noticing any cons, it just works really good, the bass sounds to me cleaner more controlled.les muddy, boomy,fullbodied
This thread made my buy some, i even use it with my cheap Q Acoustics 2010i
My last hifi on a budget,value for money,bang for the buck is another speaker.
Mission LX-2, the speaker with the upside down twetter for time alignment, it has great bass and is not at all thin and bright as many speakers can be and there for many speakers doesn't sound good when playing loud music........ it's just so nice not to have a bright sounding speaker and to have a good bass, makes them fantastic to listen to for hours, absolutely no fattigue sound, i do prefer them to Q Acoustics 3020 do to more bass and a less bright tweeter
What is you're best hifi on a budget,value for money,bang for the buck?
HIFIME SABRE 9018 I think is great for the money replaced my M2tech hiface 2 usb to spdif and my t c electronic bmc-2, wider more deeper soundstage,doesn't sound agressive and the bass is good, not as boomy,fullbodied than im used to,it's claener less bommy
I wanted to upgrade my speaker cable and try som thick speaker cable, was already using supra interconnect's, found this thread about supra classic 6.0 (6.0 mm), i feel with this cable im not noticing any cons, it just works really good, the bass sounds to me cleaner more controlled.les muddy, boomy,fullbodied
This thread made my buy some, i even use it with my cheap Q Acoustics 2010i
My last hifi on a budget,value for money,bang for the buck is another speaker.
Mission LX-2, the speaker with the upside down twetter for time alignment, it has great bass and is not at all thin and bright as many speakers can be and there for many speakers doesn't sound good when playing loud music........ it's just so nice not to have a bright sounding speaker and to have a good bass, makes them fantastic to listen to for hours, absolutely no fattigue sound, i do prefer them to Q Acoustics 3020 do to more bass and a less bright tweeter
What is you're best hifi on a budget,value for money,bang for the buck?