HiFi/Digital/CD whatever systems...... Huh???


New member
Aug 10, 2019
Been sometime since I was meddling with anything that could be described as "hi fi".......

Now it seems that it's time to get shot of the stacking thing that stands in the corner of the lounge collecting dust and upgrade.....

But to what ? Hopefully, something that will enable me to rip CD's to some sort of open format (maybe FLAC or ogg - being a linux user on the PC at home), and reasonable amount of storage, quality ? price ?

I'm getting lost in a plethora of terminology regarding the kit. Is such a device a media server? some sort of NAS storage server ? or just a media centre ? or what.....

If anyone has any guidance/links/info etc as to where I can start to read up on such matters, it would be much appreciated. It seems that music playing hardware has come a long way in the last 10 years.......


you can go to the Rotel website http://www.rotel.com/NA/About/WhatsNew.htm

Look for the encyclopedia or home theatre guide. you can learn some stuffs from its excellent encyclopedia. But you need to join as member before you can download it (just supplying your name and email address, I guess. Very simple process).



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