
New member
Aug 10, 2019
Looking for help, I have just purchased for my son a Hi-Fi system NAD C545BEE, NAD C326BEE and a set of EB Acoustics EB1 speakers, as you will all have just worked out, i am not up to speed when it comes to technical stuff, what speaker cable do i need for this system to get the best out of it, I would have asked my son all these questions but it is a suprise, he has not been to well over the last year. You also might ask why i purchased this system, answer his friend has this system and loves it.

Many Thanks
just from reading many posts om here , i know that chord carnival silverscreen is very popular and highly rated , i was advised to get some myself here recently , id defo shortlist it ....
Yup; in agreement with the Chord Carnival Silverscreen but the likes of the QED Revelation, Chord Oddyssey 2 and QED XTube 400 shouldne be discounted

IMO for that system the QED Revelation or the Chord Oddyssey cables would be my choice
Welcome to the forum Oorhoose, (would that be "in the middle o' oor street", just oot ae intrist?!
) you've opened up a minefield there. Some will view it as the opportunity to spend a hefty sum, others will go for a less expensive option but which does as good a job.

I have used Audioquest Type IV biwire, had it for about 13 years now in my system. It's a single core copper cable, was about a fiver a metre (think it's gone up a bit over the years, but still affordable) and I use it in two 5m runs. Not that my speakers are 5m away from the amp, but there've been times when it's been close.

Another school of thought will point you towards checking out the resistance of the wire in relation to speaker impedance (ref: Roger Russell, ex-McIntosh, who themselves turn out some very high end kit), and this takes wire thickness and its corresponding "gauging" into account. Probably best to refer to some online accounts behind this rationale, though that provided by both Blue Jeans Cable in the US and Roger Russell's own site are both good starting points, if a little tech heavy.

I would caveat against spending a fortune on cable, both speaker and interconnect. You needn't do this and a little wising up on what counts beforehand will reap greater rewards in the long run. My own spend on interconnects have gone from near £100 down to £7 and I'm currently using the latter with no drop in performance.
Hi thanks for your advice, i know this might sound daft what is interconnect cable, i do need to get up to speed with, i guess this is used to connect amp to cd unit

Hi oorhoose,

Don't spend much on cable. Cable is important, but cheap cable works great. Try the Chord Silverscreen as previously suggested for the speakers. Probably best to get an 8' pair. Also, the cable comes in "single" and "bi-wire" variations. You only need the cheaper single run.

You will also need a cable to connect the CD player to the amplifier. I would suggest another cheap offering from Chord called "Crimson Plus".

That's all you need. This is great cable and very cheap as hifi cable goes.

Here are a couple of links to both these cables. You can buy online if you like.


I was not sure if his mate would keep quite, he does tend to put his foot in it from time to time for all the right reasons.
Time for a bit of private investigation by mate's mum or dad.Maybe a close up photo of the rear once the floordrobe's been shifted,if they do not know what they are looking for.


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