Help with stereo choice...


New member
Aug 10, 2019
I am looking to purchase a new hifi from scratch...

I have shortlisted the roksan kandy liii and rega apollo cd player as I can purchase both for under £1000 new which makes them something of a bargain.

I am aware that both are slightly 'old' as such. But not worried about that.

I need advise on speakers...

Everything I have read points towards the B&W 685's. But I have read that need to be driven hard to get the best out of them and that they can sound quite 'safe' or neutral. and with my chosen choice of amp and cd would this be in danger of all sounding slightly 'bland' for want of a better term.

I used to like the sound from my old kef q15's back in the day. Would the B&W suit my needs or or there any suggestions out there...

The room they are to be placed is my living room which is about 15x12 foot
If your could try and listen to some Dynaudio Excite X12's. It's a new series from Dynaudio, has got good review in WHF and supposedly is also a neutral sounding speaker and maybe with a less trebly tweeter setup. I think it should be considered more high end compared to 685's. I also think that 685 tend to be a good partner with a class lower of the kit you looking after. I've no idea if its a good partner to the electronics you mention thought. Anyone has experience ?
I would have thought that with the calibre of your CDP and amp you should be looking far higher than the 685s, at least double the price, to do your system justice.
for not much more then the list price of the b+w's, you could pick up some mint condition used dynaudio focus 110. great speakers that i thought went quite well with the kandy L.lll amp. you need to be able to allow about 50 cm behind them though, or the bass will start to dominate. some secondhand pmc db1i would probably go quite well, although maybe a bit more sparkly in the treble and not as hard hitting as the dyn's can be. or if you want something that can go nearer a wall, some secondhand atc scm11. they'll be very revealing with great dynamics.

given the price you want to spend (around 400?), i would definitely buy secondhand. you're amp and cd are good enough for better speakers and, if you get some a year or two old, they should be in mint condition as they will have been someones pride and joy. you also should save around 50% of retail.
Cheers Craig very helpful, I like the sound of the SCM11. Does anyone know any decent 'locol' secondhand retailers...

I am currently googling away the hours, cheapest i've found so far are £650, which kind of blows my budget!! But I suppose thats wahat budgets are for.