Help with setting-up a naim flatcap 2x


New member
Aug 10, 2019
Can somebody please help me with the set-up of my naim pre/power 152/155 xs amps.

i recently purchased a naim flatcap 2x and unsure how to set the flatcap.

my understanding from the manuals is i leave the cable that runs from the pre amp to the power amp as it is.

and plug the flatcap into the upgrade 1 socket on the pre-amp going into the flatcap called power out b.

but when i emailed naim to double check i was doing this right they told me to put the cable from power out A on the flatcap to the upgrade 2 socket on the preamp but never told me where the lead from the power amp go's. when i emailed them back they said the lead from the power amp go's into the flatcap but i just cannot see how that would work?

now im more confused than ever and am to affraid to plug the flatcap in at all.

If anyone can make sense of my dillema please help me

im sure it's simple but the more i try and work it out the more confused i am.

or is it me being thick

regards 80's boy
For the full upgrade functionality you need three cables, 2 x 5pin Snaic and 1 x 4pin Snaic. Assuming you have these then it is pretty straightforward, you just need to remember that signal goes from 152XS to FC2X via one of the 5pin Snaics and then onward to the 155XS via the 4pin Snaic.

Remove both the link plugs from the back of your 152XS. Take a 5 pin Snaic, plug the marked end into "Upgrade 2" socket on 152XS, plug the other end into "power out A" socket on FC2X. Take the other 5 pin Snaic, plug marked end into "Upgrade 1" socket on 152XS plug the other end into "power out B" socket on FC2X. Take the 4 pin Snaic, plug marked end into "signal out A" socket on FC2X, plug the other end into input socket on 155XS.

Voila all should work!

p.s. it is not obvious from the manual, but if you look at page E16 and assume that the HiCap shown is effectively the other output of your FC2X then you will get the idea.

thanks for your input that makes more sense.

unfortunatly i only have 1 5pin Snaic so im going to have to purchase one.

i did plug the flatcap in eventually the way it shows in the booklet using stage 1 upgrade(page e15) which looks like there is a direct cable from pre to power, and im still getting sound but im guessing the power is still coming from the power amp? so i assume this is wrong?

regards 80's boy
Yes, if you only have 1 5pin Snaic then you still need the 4pin Snaic to connect the pre amp and power amp. If I remember correctly the FC2X only powers the control circuits of the pre amp in this case, not the main bits.

I believe that you could do either stage 1 or stage 2 upgrade with 1 5pin snaic, try it and see what you think.

A new 5pin Snaic is about £110 but they come up all the time on a well known auction site for less than half that. Alternatively Flashback Cables make good quality alternatives and are very reasonably priced.
Thanks Rich27

finally figured it out im now using the stage2 upgrade. so no need to buy another cable.

thanks for your help

kind regards 80's boy


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