Help request - PC audio build (YouTube/ Spotify)


Mar 20, 2025
Hello Colleagues (as a new member on this forum),

I would like to ask about the following issue. I'm looking for a selection of elements for an audio set for a PC (mainly music from YouTube) because I listen a lot while working for several hours a day until late at night - also not too loud.

I listen on speakers, not headphones.

The current set that I am happy with:
- Creative Sound Blaster Z SB1500 PCI-E music card
- Edifier Edifier R1700BT speakers
- sample music: AC/DC, Metallica, David Bowie, ReTo, PitBull.
- room size 14 m2 (computer desk, furnitures and bed in it)

However, I wondered if it was possible to squeeze more out of the computer for better quality music - better sound card, better speakers, for the desk, amplifier/DAC, better speaker cables, optical cable from the network card or if it could go into a streaming set where you can play music from YT or Spotify with speakers on the desk (I looked at the Cambridge Audio CXN100+CXA81Mk2 set, but they are much too big to put under the monitor on the desk).

Could I ask more experienced colleagues for some advice regarding building of such setup - in which direction should I go and what elements would be good to build the setup?
Only you can decide what is best for you, but there are some pointers.
Look to the pro computer music computer market rather than the Hi-Fi market, as its designed exactly for what you want.
1st off you will need a USB audio interface so everything gets done outside of the computer, you can also look at active speakers that are designed for the job in hand, (Again the pro market is your friend here)
I recommend you go onto pro music sites to see what's available in your price range and go from there.

I've personally just put together a "kind of near field" system in my small summer sounds absolutely your case though....I'd keep the pc and use it as the streaming section and send the music via USB to a quality dac of your choice, lots to choose from, chord Qutest, dacs from denafrips, I recently got the eversolo dac z8 in my near field and it's working and sounding for amplifier...I'd be looking for a class d amp in your position.....small footprint, excellent power delivery for driving demanding small standmount atc scm7, pmc twenty 21, Dali menuet se ( I own these) need to do some research on the class d amplifier's though as good uns tend to be expensive, but good ex dem or used deals can be had....think brands like Lindemann, Burson, Mytec.


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