My system currently comprises of a Marantz CD17 (modified) CD player, Sony TA-FB940R mosfet amp and Dynaudio 52 speakers (not SE).
I really like the sound of this system, but would like a little more 'slam' from the speakers.
The Dynaudios are sat on decent stands (Soundstyle Z1's) so I don't think better stands will make an awful lot of difference.
So the alternative option is a pair of floorstanding speakers.
Budget is limited to buying 2nd hand, up to £500.
Does anyone have any suggestions as to what can give similar tonal qualities to the Dynaudios, but with more bass?
The only likely option I have seen so far is a pair of Spendor S6's.
I listen to Blues and Rock mainly.
I really like the sound of this system, but would like a little more 'slam' from the speakers.
The Dynaudios are sat on decent stands (Soundstyle Z1's) so I don't think better stands will make an awful lot of difference.
So the alternative option is a pair of floorstanding speakers.
Budget is limited to buying 2nd hand, up to £500.
Does anyone have any suggestions as to what can give similar tonal qualities to the Dynaudios, but with more bass?
The only likely option I have seen so far is a pair of Spendor S6's.
I listen to Blues and Rock mainly.