Paulthefilmfan:Okie dokie, my tv, ps3, cd player and ra silencer are plugged into the tacima, and the onk 875 into the wall oulet. I plugged the bt conditioner into a spare wall one and it was humming loud enought to be noticable like the old cb radio amps.
It appears by what you say that you have a lousy 'True Earth' (off the Main Earth into the home via the consumer unit).
Back to basics, check and polish / renew the Earth contacts (turning off the power 1st!) from the meter box to the C Unit. Also do the same on the cross bonding points in the house.
The Tacima / RA silencer has its work cut out, but you can try plugging the BT unit into one of the top slots and see if it improves things.
What else is on the ring main? It could be causing problems as well.