Hegel h80 or exposure 2010s2d


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Jan 27, 2011
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loneranger said:
I'm looking at a amp for the Epos k3. These 2 amps seems nice. Has somebody heard them?

I know this does not answer your question, but if you already have an amp, would you be better off waiting for launch of the active K module, that will convert the K3's to active speakers? I think the active module will be about £1000 plus you will need a pre-amp.


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Jun 18, 2014
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Not the 80 though. But i bet its great. Another amp in that power department and quality is the abrahamsen. Its cheaper but does not have a built in dac.

More important though why do you want or need another amp?


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Sep 19, 2015
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I have now a Nad C356, but the epos deserves a better amp. Yes, i know about Creek and Epos like Rotel and B&W. But i read a test about the Creek 100A. In that test the reviewer said it is a amp especially for classical and jazz. Not my music which is most rock and pop. I have choosen the Epos because the highs are not tiring on the ears.


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Aug 21, 2009
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Classical music is very hard to get right, so an amp that can do this realistically is well worth a listen, no matter what sort of music it's used for.

PP's recommendation was a good one and should be given a demo (IMO).
Al ears said:
plastic penguin said:
loneranger said:
I'm looking at a amp for the Epos k3. These 2 amps seems nice. Has somebody heard them?

Creek 100A would be a great match with Epos.

Note to the OP: Nobody makes an amplifier specifically for one type of music, it would be financial suicide.

Agreed: I mentioned this a while back on here that no company, whether they make speakers or amps, design a model/range for a specific genre. This is why it's so important, especially if you're genre reliant, to dem. At the end of the day it is about getting the right combination to tailor your own sound.


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Jan 27, 2011
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In the latest edition of hifi choice, the K3 was described as having high frequencies that time beautifully, and combined with it's punchy nature, means that it's fun with rock music.

They also comment that there are likely to be real sonic benefits to either version of the new Active-K module, which should be available in 2016.

Epos have taken quite some time to bring this active module to market, I remember being interested in this back in the summer of 2014, but I could not wait any longer. I still think it represents an obvious upgrade path if you are patient enough to wait.


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The NAD you have is going to be tricky to dramatically improve on. I would certainly advise some comparative auditioning of the Hegel, Exposure, and Creek options against your NAD with the K3s before you buy. I'm inclined to suggest that in the end you would get a bigger upgrade by holding fire for the Epos active upgrade, which will essentially be Creek amplification anyway and will be perfectly matched to the K3s and able to get the best out of the drive units.


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Sep 19, 2015
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Thanks for all the advices. And agree with Hifichoice; i've bought the K3 because the highs are so good with my music. Not tires on the ears. But do you mean a Exposure 2010S2 or Hegel H80 is not a good upgrade from the Nad c356? Yes; i know about the active module and it could be interested. Bit also heard that it would be expensive and will it realy come? What you say; it sould be on the market in 2014, then 2015 and now 2016?


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