Happy_Listner said:
Chebby, you're just picking at nits now. You know exactly what I meant. I think maybe your making a big deal out of nothing to make up some imaginary point just to prove you are right?
Fact is most of our HI-FI systems, the people on this Forum, have systems that cost in excess of 895. After hearing a nice HI-FI system, like many of us have, Lifestyle products like Muso or Bose are a let down in sound quality.
All I did was a make a passing comment that these Lifestyle type systems do not sound as good as true HI-FI systems and that's all. So calm down and put your fists down.
If you want to go the 895 limit angle then I can further argue that I am confident I could put together a separates system that sounds better than the Muso does for the same price, although it may not have the same features count. Ummm..... are those fighting words?
I've been down the same road as you a couple (or more) times over the years. In 1996 I had a new Rega separates system (amp, tuner and turntable) and enjoyed it for the next 11 years. In 2009 I bought a Naim separates system (Nait 5i, CD5i, NAT05 and nSat speakers with a Rega P2 turntable and phono stage and a separate DAC) but I was beginning to reach the end of my tether with the space it all took up (and the racks and the stands and the cables etc.) and the BS surrounding it all. No matter how good it all sounded I still ended up sitting there looking at a big, light-sucking collection of ugly black boxes and wishing I could make most of it go away!
So I made that happen. I sold the lot and have been extremely happy since March 2011 with a pair of small Rega floorstanders (R3s) and a Marantz M-CR603. (Totally integrated into my preferences of iTunes, AirPlay, iPhone, iPad, Mac Mini and FM and Internet radio.) There was suprisingly (shockingly at first) little difference in overall sound quality and a huge amount of extra useable space.
I thought that might wear off but here, now, three and a half years later, I am still happier than when I owned separates. I'm not saying it's outright 'audiophile' credentials are quite up there with the old Naim stuff, but i've had (and still have) tremendous fun with this system and i've lost any snobbery that I might have felt once about so-called 'lesser' systems (and have no envy for people with 'better' hi-fi). It took a while but the BS was replaced with Book Shelves and I now buy far more CDs (to rip) than I ever did.
I am still considering an upgrade (or change) one day, but only maybe. That upgrade might be the mu-so if I like it (firstly and most importantly), or it might be based around the Naim UnitiQute, or something like the new Quad Vena with an Apple TV for the AirPlay.
So long as it's compact (and not separates again) and good and provides the right functionality/connectivity for eveything I want.
One thing I won't be doing in a hurry is writing off any option - except separates - (including just keeping what I have now as a very real option) just because of other people's prejuduces against the 'idea' of certain kinds of product.