Ive just typed out a post and my PC crashed before i posted it, arrggggggggghhhhhhhhhh!
I have the 595's, overall the sound is excellent, and they are 'extremely comfortable,' to the point you forget your wearing them. Sound is open, they pick up all the fine nuances, bass is deep and controlled, vocals, and high's are outstanding, and with the comfort I mention, they are a fantastic product..
My only gripe with them is, if they are cranked up a bit too much the bass completely bottoms out, the earcups will vibrate quite badly. Something ive never seen anyone mention on the reviews I looked at before purchasing them. But in all honesty, when that happens, my bass settings are usually a tad *cough* (no need for links to cough remedies thankyou, Andrew
) to high, its not a design fault.
I would highly recommend the 595's to anyone. You might want to take a look at the Grado's also, already mentioned. I do believe after long periods of listening to similar priced Grado's, they can become uncomfortable. Im not 100% sure about that, just something I read somewhere a while back. Any Grado users here might say differently.
Hughes123, will disagree with that statement, but he has recently purchased the Grado GS1000, a completely different league and price range, lucky for some huh! You can read his review of them here
Makes you sick