

New member
Aug 10, 2019
Hi All,

Just set myself on getting a Sony Kdl 46 EX 703 then went to comet and was told that the Panasonic TX P46G20 Plasma is a better Tv in every way by the guy in store and he compared 2 Panasonics side by side, the Plasma and LCD, they were on the same settings and the plasma was much better in colour, but would not turning the colour up on an LCD LED make it just as good?? or does it not work that way and is the 600hzs on panasonic the same as 100hzs on sony?? i was looking at spending about £1000 - £1500 on a set. 46 inch preferably.

any opinions or recomendations would be much appreciated.

Well im in the same boat as to which 46" - 47" to choose and have ruled out Plasma. Only reason being with have a very well lite lounge and at the moment my parents do alot of day time viewing. Youve done the right thing in demoing some models, and if your happy with the plasma go for it.About colour difference turing up the colour on the lcd will overcook the picture but remember shop settings are usually set using factory mode which enhances brightness and colour.Generally you will find lcd's have brighter colours and sharpness, but lack in deep blacks and are not so good at handling motion.Lcds are improving all the time and catching up with deeper blacks, but still posses the brightness, as hzs thing, i never understood the 600 hzs that Pannasonic offer, its suppose to help with handing motion.And lcds normally offer 50, 100, 200 hzs, 100hzs is normally offered on midrange lcds and may help with sport and gaming it's really trial and error after purchase to see what you prefer.this year Sonys have stepped up a gear, which was definetly needed after some inconsistence from 2009, while some have been dissapointed by Panasonics 2010 range.If it was me look at your opinons again and try a few more demo's, can u strectch to 50" LG plasmas are good value and have been well received this year also so Samsung models look really good.
The so called '600Hz' option on Panasonic televisions (or "Intelligent Frame Creation," or the "pro" version of this same feature) operates in a different way to Sony's 100Hz or 200Hz motion processing technology. Panasonic's IFC uses a "sub-field drive" which relates to the rate at which the phosphor cells pulse and refresh (I think... someone please correct me otherwise).

In other words, it's not really 600Hz, but clever marketing might make you think motion processing on Panny plasmas is 3 (or even 6) times better than displays produced by rivals. For what it's worth, I leave this facility turned off on my Panasonic plasma. It doesn't help with motion, but sometimes introduces strange effects (like a disappearing tennis ball). My TV works very well without engaging the IFC function, so it's sensible to leave well alone.

I wouldn't get hung-up on the numbers. Besides, people seem to react differently to motion processing technologies (one person sees a beautifully fluid image, another feels seasick).

Your best bet is to find a retailer who'll let you adjust settings when you audition TVs (including motion processing options) and see how you get on. Many forum members advocate turning unnecessary picture processing technologies off. I'd fall broadly into that camp...
Hi All,

Just set myself on getting a Sony Kdl 46 EX 703 then went to comet and was told that the Panasonic TX P46G20 Plasma is a better Tv in every way by the guy in store and he compared 2 Panasonics side by side, the Plasma and LCD, they were on the same settings and the plasma was much better in colour, but would not turning the colour up on an LCD LED make it just as good?? or does it not work that way and is the 600hzs on panasonic the same as 100hzs on sony?? i was looking at spending about £1000 - £1500 on a set. 46 inch preferably.

any opinions or recomendations would be much appreciated.


my opinion is a tad cynical, but i think the salesman may have been trying to shift the g20 for a nice little commission, the g20 is going very cheap in many places right now, id say panasonic have plenty of them they're trying to shift, and depending on the sale price, there may be a nice mark up on them..

they are a very good tv, but are not without their issues, (i suppose the same could be said for all tv's though) but the sony is also very good..

its not so much which one is better, that opinion differs from person to person, its which tv is better for you, id demo both and let your eyes decide, not a potentially biased salesman..

id also agree with strapped, 100hz, 600hz etc is irrelevant, they're just numbers, if the motion looks good thats all that matters..


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