HD Ready


New member
Aug 10, 2019
I am looking to buy an LG 37LH2000 for parents, who aren't that young but who want to upgrade their old standard TV. I can get it at a really low price and realise it is only HD ready, but not 1080p. Can anyone let me know what difference this would make and at whether this would be a good buy or not. As it is a present, we are faced with getting a bigger screen with a low spec, or getting a smaller screen with higher spec. Have spent ages online trying to get a good idea, but just confused with all the jargon. A few reviews I have read on the TV seem to come out well. Any advice would be welcomed. Thanks in advance!
Hi Bernadette

I do not know this particular LG TV and therefore cannot comment on the performance. But I have a general remark about HD ready vs FullHD. At screen sizes below 46-50 inches this is not all that important. At 37 I wouldn't therefore worry so much whether the TV is HD ready or FullHD unless you sit right next to the TV and feed it with a FullHD sourch (Blu Ray) most of the time.
Thank you for your response - I was feeling a little left out with no replies! Can I ask anothe question? My other concern with the TV is that it doesn't have the 100hz - again, do you think that really matters?
The 37LH2000 was a entry level model hence not having 100htz processing, the problem with LCD's is they tend to struggle with fast moving objects and the result can be with ghosting and motion bluring which you may find distracting, this is more evident say when watching sport such as football.

My advice is to go and see the set in action preferibly with fast moving action and see if you notice this effect and to what degree it distracts you before buying the TV.
Thank you - this is for my parents in their 70s, so I wonder if it's something they would notice, considering the CRT tv they are currently using. Your advice is sensible, although I am running out of time which is not helping me! Thanks again.
I notice that although you refer to the HD spec of the TV, you do not mention any High Definition input sources. Are your parents aware that the HD TV will not automatically give them an HD picture without additional equipment?


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