Good news for plasma fans


New member
Dec 12, 2009
Samsung looks like still going with plasma
Can't say I've ever been a fan of the 5 series plasma range from Samsung. Always felt like it was a lazily approached range on their part. If they were to produce another range to replace the 8 series though, that would be something.
I can't see many people buying it though as it's the five series and only 1080p unless they are die hard plasma fans, as far as i'm concerned plasma is no more.
simonlewis said:
I can't see many people buying it though as it's the five series and only 1080p unless they are die hard plasma fans, as far as i'm concerned plasma is no more.

Whats wrong with 1080p ?
More importantly, if you could actually see a difference running a 4k film vs 1080p on a screen that is 55" or lower from a normal viewing distance, you either have the sight of an eagle, or you're a liar.
This is very similar to when Full HD first came about. People just jumping on board with the new tech for the sake of doing so, particularly when there were still HD tvs available that significantly outperformed the Full HD models. Pioneer PDP428 for example. These ran cheaper than the Panasonic Full HD sets at the time, and looked not just slightly better, but significantly so, and yet people blindly bought into the new tech.

I've not doubt 4k will become the norm, but for now, I'll take my chances with my 1080p sets that outperform others in almost every respect bar resolution.

And when the time comes, I have to hope that OLED has become more mainstream.
simonlewis said:
Probably aimed at plasma fans who don't want to upgrade their blu-ray collection.

Dont think that's true. People with the budget for this TV will not be looking at 4K in any case. When the time comes to upgrade this TV, 4K prices would've fallen nicely by then.


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