Good amp and CD


New member
Jul 9, 2012
Tell me please, what do you all think would be a good amp and CD for my Concept 20's on dedicated stands? i want to downgrade! from my NAIM sperates as will never be able to afford the kind of speakers they deserve. unless some will give me a good part ex against a UNITI LITE. And i know thats not happening any time soon.
I guess there are two separate issues here; Do you need to free up some finances or are you just unhappy about the (apparent) mismatch but like the sound you get at the moment?

Circumstances change and Naim have good residual value. It's therefore unlikely you'd loose much more by selling now as opposed to hang on to them and, perhaps, sell-up in a year or two.

Of course, if you're not happy with the system as is then there's no point in hanging on to them.

For what it's worth, I have only read reviews of the concept 20. They all seem to point to a fun, warm, big but not to tightly focused sound.

Based on this (and nothing else) I'd consider something clean, fast and transparent sounding. Exposure, Cyrus and Rega spring to mind. Each should enable you to put an amplifier/cd player combination in the region of a Unitilite or below, depending how far up you want to go.

Peptdi said:
Tell me please, what do you all think would be a good amp and CD for my Concept 20's on dedicated stands? i want to downgrade! from my NAIM sperates as will never be able to afford the kind of speakers they deserve. unless some will give me a good part ex against a UNITI LITE. And i know thats not happening any time soon.

At least wait until Naim's April price rises have kicked in. Then you can ask a little more when you are selling yours.

Part-ex deals from Naim dealers are derisory. Resist the temptation, put in the graft (good photos especially) and sell it all yourself.

Two years ago I was offered £450 (part-ex against a new Naim Uniti) for my mint / boxed Nait 5i / CD5i / NAT05 / nSATs system by my local Naim dealer!

I sold it all myself on ebay and pocketed about £2K (after fees) instead 🙂
My system used to sound awesome till the burglary, they took my CD3.5 nap 90 and nac90 and Flat Cap. but left the Monitor Audios. Was replaced by insurance with a CD5X Nap150X Flat Cap 2 and Nac110X. Sounded awful so replaced My MA3's with some RS5's, slight improvement, but now have the concept 20's which have such clarity and definition, but just a little lean on the bass.
Obvious suggestion is to run the 20s with the Naim gear and try it it. I tend to believe that better gear doesn't do cheaper stuff any harm, plus I don't think the Concept 20s will be out of their depth. Give them a spin and put your prejudices in the bin.
With the greatest of respect, I think you all need to read the posts, I all ready have the Concept 20's and have said i cannot afford expensive speakers. Besides the 40's barely go any lower anyway?
Yes. Stick with the Concept 20s and use your existing Naim amps instead of just throwing the amps away because of the notion you appear to harbour.
Peptdi said:
With the greatest of respect, I think you all need to read the posts, I all ready have the Concept 20's and have said i cannot afford expensive speakers. Besides the 40's barely go any lower anyway?

If you don't like the sound, why not keep the electronics and change the speakers? But don't be fooled into just looking for speakers with the lowest frequency response and assume they'll inherrently have the most chest-thumping bass. The two things aren't automatically interlinked. There's really not much happens below 50Hz in most music, and when people talk about bass they can feel as well as hear it's all really between 60Hz-120Hz, which most speakers easily reach down to. Some speakers just simply deliver more 'whoomph per Watt' than others, irespective of the numbers on the spec-sheet.
Well gotta say that since i experemented with repositioning of the speakers sound has improved 110% :bounce: So if it aint broke?


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