Full Range Speakers & Sub Woofer ! ??


Well-known member
Feb 20, 2008
I have a pair of Tannoy DC6T full range speakers running along side a tannoy TS12 12" sub woofer - all running from my Denon AVR.

I was just wondering what is considered the correct way to set this up for music I have expreimented with the below and I suppose differnt set ups sound better for different music - I was just wondering which is considered the Right way....

Run all frequencies through the main speakers but set crossover to 40Hz to let he sub woofer handle the ulra low stuff as well as the main speakers?

Set the speakers to small so that the 40hz crossover is a true "crosover" and the main speakers cut off at 40Hz, the sub woofer takes over?

Set the crossover higher to perhaps 80Hz ? - again either large of small setting for the main speakers to handle the low frequencies as well ?

Or just turn the sub woofer off !!
umbucker:Run all frequencies through the main speakers but set crossover to 40Hz to let he sub woofer handle the ulra low stuff as well as the main speakers?

Thanks Andrew! - set up in this way should the eq be left flat? or is tinkering with the EQ - esepecially at the bottom end advised ?


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