Flawed ratings system

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spiny norman said:
Vladimir said:
Hi-Fi World globe system is just plain dumb. Rating in globes...

'Cos they see 'world' as part of their brand, innit? ;-)

"World" in their brand signifies a sphere of interest, not actual geography. So using geographic meme is cheesy.

Meridian uses those vertical lines as a geo theme because they pride on being a British company, the country where the meridians and time zones begin. It symbolizes their spirit of innovation, exploration with that nautical theme. Kinda cool and oldschool.

WHF created a reputation and worldwide credible and instantly recognizable meme - the 5 star system, so they incorporated it into the brand. Smart.
drummerman said:
However, if 5 is perfect ......

But 5 star shouldn't be perfect. If you have 5 stars, then 1 star is the equivalent of 1% to 20%, 2 star is 21% to 40%, 3 star is 40% to 60%, 4 star is 61% to 80% and 5 star is 81% to 100%.
spiny norman said:
Vladimir said:
So using geographic meme is cheesy.

And thus well suited to the rest of the look of the magazine.

Al ears said:
drummerman said:
Al ears said:
Vladimir said:
The 5 star system is part of the What Hi-Fi brand and really it is part of hi-fi history, whether we like it or not. Changing it would be a shame.

Hi-Fi World globe system is just plain dumb. Rating in globes... Now they should switch to % rating system IMO.

Stars, globes, apples..... what's the difference? Five of anything should be sufficient to rate an item of equipment.

Which is what their market survey apparently showed.

However, if 5 is perfect (and it clearly isn't, read the new Muso review but there are many more) that leaves 4. Very simplistic imo and a bit of a 'dumb down'.

Hey ho 🙂

I believe the dumbing down has it's purpose. Can you see newbies getting on with a percentage system? This forum would be a nightmare. Not that it already isn't at times ;-)

I'm 94% behind you.
matt49 said:
Al ears said:
drummerman said:
Al ears said:
Vladimir said:
The 5 star system is part of the What Hi-Fi brand and really it is part of hi-fi history, whether we like it or not. Changing it would be a shame.

Hi-Fi World globe system is just plain dumb. Rating in globes... Now they should switch to % rating system IMO.

Stars, globes, apples..... what's the difference? Five of anything should be sufficient to rate an item of equipment.

Which is what their market survey apparently showed.

However, if 5 is perfect (and it clearly isn't, read the new Muso review but there are many more) that leaves 4. Very simplistic imo and a bit of a 'dumb down'.

Hey ho 🙂

I believe the dumbing down has it's purpose. Can you see newbies getting on with a percentage system? This forum would be a nightmare. Not that it already isn't at times ;-)

I'm 94% behind you.

Did you even read the post? Do you even reading comprehension?

94% is ridiculous, how could anyone get more than 87% behind a statement like that????
ID. said:
matt49 said:
Al ears said:
drummerman said:
Al ears said:
Vladimir said:
The 5 star system is part of the What Hi-Fi brand and really it is part of hi-fi history, whether we like it or not. Changing it would be a shame.

Hi-Fi World globe system is just plain dumb. Rating in globes... Now they should switch to % rating system IMO.

Stars, globes, apples..... what's the difference? Five of anything should be sufficient to rate an item of equipment.

Which is what their market survey apparently showed.

However, if 5 is perfect (and it clearly isn't, read the new Muso review but there are many more) that leaves 4. Very simplistic imo and a bit of a 'dumb down'.

Hey ho 🙂

I believe the dumbing down has it's purpose. Can you see newbies getting on with a percentage system? This forum would be a nightmare. Not that it already isn't at times ;-)

I'm 94% behind you.

Did you even read the post? Do you even reading comprehension?

94% is ridiculous, how could anyone get more than 87% behind a statement like that????

Heard of bribery? 🙂
Dores anyone seriously use these for anything more than a loose indication as to how a product may be rated by us?

Ultimately, my ears are my review system. I'm sure any one of you could come to my hifi room and think my set-up sounds awful - certainly not worthy of the number of stars/globes/%/apples etc that I would give it.

I'm genuinely surprised there is this much debate about how the flawed opinion of other people, in a different environment, with different tastes etc etc is represented on a page.

I don't mean to be flippant or dismissive, I'm just surprised.

By the way, as part of the overal discussion on the mag... I stopped buying it some time ago when it became so little related to hifi, and way more related to tv.
chris_bates1974 said:
Dores anyone seriously use these for anything more than a loose indication as to how a product may be rated by us?

Ultimately, my ears are my review system. I'm sure any one of you could come to my hifi room and think my set-up sounds awful - certainly not worthy of the number of stars/globes/%/apples etc that I would give it.

I'm genuinely surprised there is this much debate about how the flawed opinion of other people, in a different environment, with different tastes etc etc is represented on a page.

I don't mean to be flippant or dismissive, I'm just surprised.

By the way, as part of the overal discussion on the mag... I stopped buying it some time ago when it became so little related to hifi, and way more related to tv.

Unfortunately many people do. They get completely caught up in the number of stars, or whatever, awarded. Try to recommend something with, god forbid, 4 stars and they will be completely incredulous, then go back to asking about this or that combination of 5 star products. All this despite the fact that WHF says that the stars and reviews need to be looked at together and then just be used as a reference for creating a list of products to audition. The 5 star rating preys on their minds, so they begin to doubt their own ears when they prefer something else and may buy the 5 star product anyway because they trust the experts over their own ear. As I say, this isn't the fault of WHF and isn't unique to hifi (look at the impact a high rating review by wine expert Robert Parker has on sales of wines and even on wine makers who then make "Parkerized" wines in the bombastic, high-alcohol style favoured by Mr. Parker.).
chris_bates1974 said:
Dores anyone seriously use these for anything more than a loose indication as to how a product may be rated by us?

Ultimately, my ears are my review system. I'm sure any one of you could come to my hifi room and think my set-up sounds awful - certainly not worthy of the number of stars/globes/%/apples etc that I would give it.

I'm genuinely surprised there is this much debate about how the flawed opinion of other people, in a different environment, with different tastes etc etc is represented on a page.

I don't mean to be flippant or dismissive, I'm just surprised.

By the way, as part of the overal discussion on the mag... I stopped buying it some time ago when it became so little related to hifi, and way more related to tv.

I can see where you are coming from, however, there is no doubt that many use this mag to either buy direct from the internet or draw up a shortlist of items to audition. In these days of limited HiFi dealers on the streets it is imperative that they get a system people can easily understand. Without rating equipment there's little point in producing the magazine in the first place.
Vladimir said:
WHF created a reputation and worldwide credible and instantly recognizable meme - the 5 star system ...

There were 5 star ratings for restaurants, hotels, octane levels, military generals, books, film reviews and a raft of things long before hi-fi magazines came along. What Hi-fi? didn't create anything.
We are talking hi-fi here. They created something greater out of a simple 5 star rating. I'm sure you get it.

Asking WHF to change the 5 star system is like asking a Kuwaiti sheiks to give up on their oil fields because you think electric cars are better for the environment. Of course they will have a healthy laugh and tell you their research shows petrol and diesel cars are very good for the environment, the best.
Vladimir said:
We are talking hi-fi here. They created something greater out of a simple 5 star rating. I'm sure you get it.

Asking WHF to change the 5 star system is like asking a Kuwaiti sheiks to give up on their oil fields because you think electric cars are better for the environment. Of course they will have a healthy laugh and tell you their research shows petrol and diesel cars are very good for the environment, the best.

Vladimir said:
We are talking hi-fi here. They created something greater out of a simple 5 star rating. I'm sure you get it.

Apart from a magazine you can 'read' without understanding the language, not sure I do really. As chebby said, there's nothing new about a five-star rating.
Yet when we think of 5 stars in hi-fi WHF is the first that pops in our heads.

Tannoy wasn't the first to invent PA systems, yet due to the success of the company their brand name became synonym for PA and speakers.
Vladimir said:
Yet when we think of 5 stars in hi-fi WHF is the first that pops in our heads.

Tannoy wasn't the first to invent PA systems, yet due to the success of the company their brand name became synonym for PA and speakers.

They give five star ratings out willy-nilly.


Nothing or not much is perfect, at any price (as HifiNews&RR quite rightly show with their ratings system).
Vladimir said:
Yet when we think of 5 stars in hi-fi WHF is the first that pops in our heads.

If someone says "5 star" the first thing I think is "hotel". It's a reflex thing. YMMV.

If someone says "hi-fi magazine" I automatically picture HFN's iconic yellow covers. I'd think WHF? If someone said "hi-fi forum" i'll grant you that.

But the forum doesn't automatically evoke an image of stars. Just a red banner and blue buttons really.
Vladimir said:
Yet when we think of 5 stars in hi-fi WHF is the first that pops in our heads.

If you narrow the criteria enough you can always prove your point.

Doesn't pop into my head, but YHMV.

Time for another unrelated video or graphic now?
Blacksabbath25 said:
To be honest I always thought that this 5 star ratings were paid for by the company's that always seem to getting a 5 star ratings all the time like arcam , monitor audio , roskin the top brands as the magazine is full of adds with this companies that get graded 5 stars so who's to say they pay for 5 stars it's in theses companies interests as the world revolves around money I think it's fixed . But if I am wrong I am sorry

this again? For example, there have been plenty of Arcam products that didn't get 5 stars, and even recently I thought there was an amp and the CDP/streamer that didn't get 5 stars...
Blacksabbath25 said:
To be honest I always thought that this 5 star ratings were paid for by the company's that always seem to getting a 5 star ratings all the time like arcam , monitor audio , roskin the top brands as the magazine is full of adds with this companies that get graded 5 stars so who's to say they pay for 5 stars it's in theses companies interests as the world revolves around money I think it's fixed . But if I am wrong I am sorry

So why aren't you deeply uncomfortable to be a regular contributor on a forum hosted by such an unethical company?

How do I know you aren't paid by the companies who made the kit in your system? I don't, but I do realise that I might need a darned good lawyer if I persisted in saying so (and rock solid evidence).

You are relying on the staff being (mostly) absent most of the time (and non-existent moderation) to make such lazy, half-a###d, 'drive-by' style allegations.

Get some balls - and some evidence - and say which companies were paying for which reviews (and when) or admit you have nothing.


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