First Steps


New member
Aug 10, 2019

This is my first post here and I'm predictably after some help! I've looked through other threads but couldn't quite find the answer I was after, so here goes. I'm in no way an audiophile but know that I miss my nice system from home now I've moved out and just use macbook and JBL creature speakers.

I'm a bit short on money so can't afford to get everything I'd like just now but considering getting the following:

Using headphone out

via single jack to double jack (e.g.

to rel cheap(~£150) amp - any suggestions? Seems like CA Azur range are highly rated

to bookshelf speakers (again around £ 100 - 150) again suggestions welcome

My main question is this: It must sound better than what I have, but is it a sensible start or would one component hold it all back? Also Im using itunes with all my music ripped at 256, 320 or apple lossless. I'm mainly worried about using the headphone output of the mac and would consider getting an external DAC somewhere down the line, but not got the money now. Would also later like to add a headphone amp to run some Alessandro MS 1s.

Any help would be much appreciated, as I said I'm not really looking for ultimate audiophile performance (and obviously not going to get it!) but would like something nice which could then be added to.

Thanks very much for your help guys,

I suspect the analog headphone out is the weak link here, no matter, so getting a proper dac would have to be high on your list.

Have you considered an airport express (wireless streaming) or separate dac (wired, but probably better quality) coupled to audio engine a5's active speakers?
When you say single jack to double jacj interconnect, I cannot find the linked one, I take it you mean mini jack from the headphone out on the Mac to phonos on the amp?

That would do to get going and then as posted above get a DAC. You can get DACs and headphione amps combined which would then enable you to progress onto your headphones.
Hey thanks for the help guys. Those A5s look pretty smart Pete, but think I's prob. rather go into an amp rather than use powered speakers as it would allow me to maybe add a nice CD player later.

I figure in if someone with over four and a half thousand posts on a hi-fi forum thinks it's an alright starting point then it will do for me, cheers idc!
Sold my (SA)CD player some time ago, and I don't think I'll ever buy one again: a computer's drive is enough for me for ripping (and playing if needed). BTW these A5's (that I never heard so don't take my word for it and read the WHF review) do have two analog inputs so it is possible to add a CD player, but obviously an amp has more connection options. And you also can start without a DAC, with a simple jack cable you suggested. I guess the question is also: are you going the old route of collection separates (amp, cd, speakers, dac-in-a-box, rack, lots of cables, cd-storage cabinets, complaining wife
) or something more modern (all sources ripped or streamed from the internet/NAS) and minimalistic.


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