Hi folks,
I'm looking to upgrade my system, which I've been putting together over the last couple of years, mostly from second hand bargains on ebay and the like (monies are pretty tight, and I do love sniffing out a good bargain!). It sounds pretty good with most things and doesn't sound in any way offensive, but simply doesn't excite my ears very much!
As it stands, the system is comprised of -
- Rega RP1 Turntable, with RB101 Tonearm/Ortofon MM cart that it came with.
- Pro-ject Phono Box MM.
- Denon TU-260l MK2 Tuner.
- Denon DCD835 CDP, modded slightly with B-Quiet Ultimate vibration damping material (following suggestion from DIY Audio, which made for a surpsisingly noticable step-up in sound quality).
- Rotel RA-971 MK2 Amp.
- B&W DM601 S2 Speakers on Atacama SE24 Stands, which are filled with sand.
- DNM Reson speaker cable, Nordost Solar wind Interconnects for TT and CDP.
- The electronics are on a fairly substantial rack, with a very solid metal frame and glass shelves, but no idea what make it is.
A was leant a pair of Usher X-708's, complete with Ecosse cables, to have a play with about a month ago, which sounded awesome - so much more detail, bass extension and 'life' to the sound generally, amongst a bunch of other qualities (they really are very good, and look incredibly sexy with it!). While they were there, I also had a swap about with the Ecosse and DNM speaker cables, which made a very noticable improvement, but not enough to justify the £200 expense :O , IMHO anyway.
I've only recently acquired the Turntable and no longer have a huge vinyl collection, and the Tuner rarely gets used, so I'd like to concentrate my efforts on the CDP, Amp or Speakers for now. After my experience with the Ushers, it seems like my best bet may be finding a replacement for the B&W's, as the difference the 708's brought about was huge, especially to the smile on my face!
My budget is ~£500, and they'll need to be able to work in a relatively confined space (12'x15'), in fairly close proximity to the rear walls (60cm max, ish). Music wise, between my wife and I, we listen to pretty much everything, and I've got a bit of a thing for a nice, sweet midrange and plenty of space between the instruments.
Any suggestions would be very welcome, and, obviously, if people think that some of the budget could be spent better elsewhere, then I'm open to new ideas 🙂
Many thanks, Lawrence.
I'm looking to upgrade my system, which I've been putting together over the last couple of years, mostly from second hand bargains on ebay and the like (monies are pretty tight, and I do love sniffing out a good bargain!). It sounds pretty good with most things and doesn't sound in any way offensive, but simply doesn't excite my ears very much!
As it stands, the system is comprised of -
- Rega RP1 Turntable, with RB101 Tonearm/Ortofon MM cart that it came with.
- Pro-ject Phono Box MM.
- Denon TU-260l MK2 Tuner.
- Denon DCD835 CDP, modded slightly with B-Quiet Ultimate vibration damping material (following suggestion from DIY Audio, which made for a surpsisingly noticable step-up in sound quality).
- Rotel RA-971 MK2 Amp.
- B&W DM601 S2 Speakers on Atacama SE24 Stands, which are filled with sand.
- DNM Reson speaker cable, Nordost Solar wind Interconnects for TT and CDP.
- The electronics are on a fairly substantial rack, with a very solid metal frame and glass shelves, but no idea what make it is.
A was leant a pair of Usher X-708's, complete with Ecosse cables, to have a play with about a month ago, which sounded awesome - so much more detail, bass extension and 'life' to the sound generally, amongst a bunch of other qualities (they really are very good, and look incredibly sexy with it!). While they were there, I also had a swap about with the Ecosse and DNM speaker cables, which made a very noticable improvement, but not enough to justify the £200 expense :O , IMHO anyway.
I've only recently acquired the Turntable and no longer have a huge vinyl collection, and the Tuner rarely gets used, so I'd like to concentrate my efforts on the CDP, Amp or Speakers for now. After my experience with the Ushers, it seems like my best bet may be finding a replacement for the B&W's, as the difference the 708's brought about was huge, especially to the smile on my face!
My budget is ~£500, and they'll need to be able to work in a relatively confined space (12'x15'), in fairly close proximity to the rear walls (60cm max, ish). Music wise, between my wife and I, we listen to pretty much everything, and I've got a bit of a thing for a nice, sweet midrange and plenty of space between the instruments.
Any suggestions would be very welcome, and, obviously, if people think that some of the budget could be spent better elsewhere, then I'm open to new ideas 🙂
Many thanks, Lawrence.