FATMAN iTube confusion


New member
Aug 10, 2019

I am looking in to the best ways to amplify my ipod and the FATMAN iTube range looks very promising. After doing some research into the regular iTube and the iTube carbon I have become quite confused about which one to choose. As far as I can see the website lists the carbon as being the next step up, as it handles more power (25w per channel) and has some extras. It is also better looking in my opinion.

For some reason though people are saying that this is not true and the standard iTube is more powerful.

Any help with my decision would be very appreciated.

The Carbon's figures are misquoted - see this thread for quote from Fatman representative on the issue.

If you're going down the Fatman route, i'd get the original Valve Dock plus a better pair of speakers (such as Tannoy Mercury F1 Customs at £110, up to Monitor Audio Bronze BR2s at £200, via £150 designs such as the Morduant-Short Avant 902i (if you like an in-your-face sound) or the Wharfedale Diamond 9.1 pair (if you like a more laid-back listen)).
Thanks for the quick response. I think i'll take your advice