Eurovision calls

I'm going to eat a curry, drink Budvar, listen to Moz & Bob, then play FIFA with my mate online. With the occasional eye cast Eurovision-wards between mouthfuls/gulps/yodels&yodels/goals.

Peace and c'mon the Germans.
I agree, it's absolute pants, but why is the BBC showing it in HD and it won't do other more deserving programmes in HD? Is there more call for pin sharp sequins and 'cheese'

Stronger than usual to-night. Still far too much anglo pop rubbish though. Denmark should be ashamed of itself.
Just saw our bird, sounded like she was trying a little too hard, and she clouted one of the violinists on her way down the steps but seemed to get a pretty good reception. Big cheesy grin to the camera as well...
Charlie Jefferson: Peace and c'mon the Germans.

Watching, but not listening, the joy of headphones. The talent is amazing, especially the German cabaret dancer with the riding crop and unfeasibly small waist. Oh, wait a moment, Sweden has entered an angel.............
Turkey clearly the best. Didn't know Shakira had moved to Romania. Norway easily the most annoying, Bosnia Herzegovnia the most enigmatic.
the_lhc:I think you're missing the point, we know it's rubbish, it's supposed to be rubbish, that's why we watch it...

Exactly. But what we're all thinking is. What's the 'I' stand for?

idc:Well Norway are running away with it.......and at least we are not disgracing ourselves as usual.

Bring Gemini back!!!
Charlie Jefferson: Peace and c'mon the Germans.

Watching, but not listening, the joy of headphones. The talent is amazing, especially the German cabaret dancer with the riding crop and unfeasibly small waist. Oh, wait a moment, Sweden has entered an angel.............

This ones for you..............Oh...and she aint German.......

Clicky Here

Charlie Jefferson: Peace and c'mon the Germans.

Watching, but not listening, the joy of headphones. The talent is amazing, especially the German cabaret dancer with the riding crop and unfeasibly small waist. Oh, wait a moment, Sweden has entered an angel.............

This ones for you..............Oh...and she aint German.......

Clicky Here

Quite enjoyed it. A few decent songs and as I stated last year I will gladly sit through 23 rubbish songs hoping for that one little diamond that might just pop up.

Anyway, star of the show this year were the magnificient LED screens which made up both the stage and backdrop. Apparently there was 30% of the worlds LED screens just in that one arena last night!


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