eb1s and fatman itube carbon


New member
Aug 10, 2019
hello, got my eb1s yesterday, the thing i first noticed when i put a cd on was that i had to have the volume on my amp much higher then normal to get the volume that im use to, for eg.....the blue nile, walk across the rooftops was on full volume but before with my wharfedale 9.1s the volume was about 70%.

im very new to hi fi so some advice would be great.....are the fatman itube carbons not a good match with the eb1s

thanks all


I agree with that reply. Something like the NAD 326BEE (or the Rega he mentioned) would be a minimum requirement.

I used to run a Fatman iTube with Monitor Audio BR1s, but they had a sensitivity of 88db and I only ever used them at moderate levels due to it being - essentially - a desktop system that was not expected to produce room filling volume.

It might be best to give EB Rick a phone call or send him an email to ask for amplifier recommendations. (Like the amplifier(s) he used to 'voice' the EB1 during it's development.)

If you have the volume control at max (or even 70 percent) on that Fatman Carbon, then I am willing to bet there is a fair bit of clipping/distortion going on despite using valves. (The Carbon is a hybrid design so you can't rely on it to distort 'politely' like a true class-A all valve design.)
beat me to it chebby,,,,,,,I would concur that really the Fatman works best with speakers which have a sensitivity of 88 and over....

personaly I would put quite a bit of juice through the EB1's. ........................
would the mezzo 2s be a better choice as they have a sensitivity of 89db

the blue nile cd walk across the rooftops is a quiet cd though
stephenmacks:would the mezzo 2s be a better choice as they have a sensitivity of 89db
the blue nile cd walk across the rooftops is a quiet cd though

You are going to lose out by selling the EB1s and buying yet another £500 speaker system.

Spend the money on a better and more powerful amp instead.

You are going to hit the iTube Carbon's limitations with any decent £500+ speakers one way or another.


It might be best to give EB Rick a phone call or send him an email to ask for amplifier recommendations. (Like the amplifier(s) he used to 'voice' the EB1 during it's development.)


No need to email me. I'm here.

EB1 will need a minimum of 50 watts a side to get the best from them. Please remember that your speakers are new and will not delight straight out of the box. They need approx 30 hours run-in time. As they run in, they actually start to sound better and, to my ears, louder per watt.

The amps I use are a Roksan Caspian power amp ( 70 watts per side), a 300 watt digital amp, and a 25 watt class A Audio Synchro valve amp ( my own design). After the run in period, EB1 works fine with all 3 of these albeit not very loud on the 'Synchro. Valves, in my opinion are more holographic than transistors but you still need around 50 watts a side to physically move the air in your room because it is this air that physically connects with your ears. If you need more info, call me.

Give them time but, Chebby is right. Really, a minimum of 50 per side is what you need for real-world loudspeakers. Changing loudspeakers within your budget won't cure your problem. Only watts will.

I'm running my eb1's through a Roksan Kandy amp and I've noticed the increase volume it takes. Where with my monitor audio bronze br2 I had the amp at about ten to but i've notched it up to 12 with the eb1's. What I will say is that the speakers are excellent and my amp can well take it but your right, a little more volume is required.
why are the recording levels on some cds so quiet and you end up having to play them louder
My Naim Uniti is rated at 50W and I usually have it set between 40 and 45% through my EB1's. I find that level is more than acceptable, but then again I've never been one for wall shaking volumes.



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