Dual Turntables


New member
Aug 10, 2019

I have won the auction for this turntable on ebay: http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=300367424721http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/Classic-Dual-..._HomeAudioHiFi_Turntables?hash=item45ef4b2cd1

Is this a good turntable and a good price to pay for it? (including postage it is £40) I have been told Dual are a reputable turntable brand and one of the best. I was also told to go for a 505 model and this seemed like a good price. Also, should I replace the stylus on this when I receive it or just run it with the current stylus?

I'm a complete newbie to turntables and vinyl and am currently in the process of putting together a budget turntable setup. I now need an intergrated amplifier and a set of speakers.

Can anyone recommend a good, lower price amp to go for that includes a phono stage? And also, what type of speakers would you recommend?

Thanks for your help.
Well done these are great little TT's, cant tell by the picture what cartridge is on there but at least you have the adaptor on it so this will let you try something like an AT 95E which is in itself a great cartridge for the money. Why not continue on the ebay trail and bag an amp and speakers from there, the likes of Rotel, Pioneer JVC or Technics all made decent amps with a phono stage built in, as for speakers Mission, JPW, Mordaunt Short, Eltax the list goes on. If the cartridge is ok then stay with that, you have a good turntable there i just hope it turns up undamaged, try not to spend to much on the amp and speakers maybe something like £20 to 25.00 for each item, good luck.
When I were a lad©, I had one of these with a Creek CAS4040, though you could try to pick up an Arcam Alpha 2, Cyrus 1, that sort of thing, and a pair of older Diamonds, KEF Coda 7 etc.
Probably a good idea to get a brand new cartridge from Ortofon or similar, as the fitted one could be at the end of its life. I seem to remember the 505s benefitted from a thicker rubber mat but probably not essential.

I agree with the above about ebay, there's loads of great amps and speakers going cheap. The Rotel amps are a great used buy and some of the Kef or Mission speakers too. NAD I would avoid as some of the older amps tended to fall apart in various ways!
The rubber mat that was supplied should be fine, otherwise you may (will) run into problems with VTA as I don't recall,that being adjustable.

It's a great turntable and a superb example of products from that era.
I ran a CS505-1 for about 20 years and it was still in excellent order when I sold it a few years ago. I remember it being the poor man's Thorens at the time but still a tremendous deck.
Like you I bought a DUAL TT CS 505-2 on ebay a while ago. I also bought a PIONEER AMP A207 as well. It has phono sockets.

I admit to not being a hi-fi buff or expert, if it sounds fine to me then I am happy. I have a very large vinyl collection of 50"s rock "n roll( yes the proper stuff"!) The sound reproduction is fine, clear and strong so I am sure that you will be happy with your purchase.

As a matter of interest I thought that Dual turntables were no longer made but recently have seen new ones for sale on Amazon but nowhere else. Does anybody have an opinion as to how these new Duals perform?

This is my first post so Happy New Year to all of you.
theyre still made in the same factory too after some rocky years under multinational ownership as they bought themselves back

still good and worth it if only for the tradition of the factory still making their turntables in the middle of the black forest

many thorens turntables are badge engineered duals these days
one off:
theyre still made in the same factory too after some rocky years under multinational ownership as they bought themselves back

still good and worth it if only for the tradition of the factory still making their turntables in the middle of the black forest

many thorens turntables are badge engineered duals these days

Alfred Fehrenbacher GMBH


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