Does Full HD make a difference?


New member
Aug 10, 2019
Does Full HD make a difference?
I read the article in this months issue of WHFSAV and as interesting as it was IMO the tests should have been done on 42 INCH sets.

I say this because the general consensus is you CAN see a difference 50 INCH but not on 42's.

I think a lot more people will be going for 42's because it's a big step up from the largest CRT but still won't overpower your average sized room.

So I think a test on 42's would have been more useful to more peeps, as I said though just my opinion.

Any thoughts guys?
I would say yes it certainly does make a noticeable difference on a 42" screen. You don't notice the difference between 720p and 1080p on a 32" set, but you do on a 42" screen. The most recent example I have seen is a Pioneer 428XD next to a Panasonic 42PZ700 - the Panny definitely does have a cleaner and more detailed image with better, smoother line definition... and that was even the case when I was standing from over 3 metres. Of course the Pioneer beats the Panny with it's black levels and colour reproduction, but as for definition and sharpness, the Panny was without a doubt better. On the other hand, seeing a 32" Panasonic LZD80 next to a Panasonic LXD700 and there was not much difference between the two. Having said that, I did prefer the picture on the newer model but that was more to do with the colour, etc.

As for 37" screens, I'm not sure because I don't think I have ever had the opportunity to see a 37" full HD next to a 37" HD ready.
...but you may find that SD looks better on the HD ready set! If all TV transmissions were HD, things would be much more simple. There isn't an easy answer - it just depends what you prioritise. For example, the BBC has just lost all its live football to ITV (and its ghastly picture!) At the moment, any choice will be a compromise.
It makes a difference on any set. How much difference depends how far away you sit. I also think it makes more difference on LCD.
On my 40" Sony LCD it makes quite a difference...
Even the screen on my 17" Dell laptop is 1920x1200 and it makes a HUGE difference (obviously sitting very close.)
With a 42"plasma, the consensus seems to be that if you sit more than 3 meters away, you won't be able, unless you're B Hart, to tell the difference. Forget the stats - look at the reviews. It will not be a surprise if Pioneer announce Full HD across their entire range. It would satisfy market demand but not necessarily technical need.

Think stills camera - think mega-pixel. The higher the m-p does not always equate to a better picture. The lense and the electronic wizardry also contribute. My 24" computer monitor is full HD but I do sit almost on top of it.
latest prices on sound and vision: TH42PZ85 989, Th-42PZ80B 845, TH-42PX80 653. dont forget to do a JL PRICEMATCH
We've had one or two side by side Full HD/HD Ready demos running (on LGs, they pay for the space and supply the feed) and what people say seems pretty spot on. If you get right up close you can notice a difference but you have to consider just how close you'll sit to a TV. I counted about 8 feet before I stopped noticing a difference between Full HD and HD Ready, but everyone's eyes are different.


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