Does a decent projector give a better picture......


Well-known member
Sep 6, 2007
..........than a Plasma or LCD of the same sort of price range (£1500-£2000) when viewed at around 50 inches? I like the idea of being able to watch films on a huge screen but would I get a great picture even down to 40 inches?
Hi Gerrardasnails

Are you thinking on the lines of having a projector in place of the sony you have..? would the projector be for viewing all sources ie sky-HD Blu-ray Games etc this can be a bind if you want to watch say eastenders or the news it would mean having the screen [ extra cost ] down all the time, if however you would use the projector for filming and games it would be difficult to buy a projector that can better a good plasma, but you can get pretty close, the panasonic PT-3000 comes to mind this has had great reviews and is also LCD so you would not suffer rainbow problems, also the Infocus fairs well to, Clare Newsome has one of these and rates it very highly, and both can be had for under £2000 if you shop around, hope this helps.

With your budget the Panasonic will get close to the performance but it depends on the light levels in your room. If you have a dark room then like for like the plasma will still out perform this level at 50-60".

The Panasonic does have a memory feature on the lens so you could have the first setting at say 50" for TV veiwing and maximise the light and then an alternative setting at 80" for movies. I have a couple of customers doing this to good effect.


I'm curious. Is this just a hypothetical question or are you seriously considering a setup like this? If you are then why?


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