Do I purchase the Pioneer PDP428XD


New member
Aug 10, 2019
I am new to the forum but have been reading regularly for the past month or so. I am in the process of installing a new home cinema system and have used the magazine over the last six months to make my choices. The B&W MT30 speakers were my first purchase and after reading the reviews i quickly came to the conclusion that the panel i wanted was a PLASMA Pioneers.

I have been holding off purchasing a panel waiting for the 9th Generation to appear. Despite rumours and promises of a 44" model over the last three months, over the past couple of weeks it has become apparent that PIoneer are refusing to produce any panel smaller than 50 inches. I know Pioneer's reasoning is "we are bringing out LCD panels to cater for this market" but what about those of us who don't want a LCD but don't have room for a 50in model? I won't use the forum to slate Pioneers decison. Ultimately Pioneer are a business and i guess if the smaller Plasma models aren't profitable then why make them. It does however leave a bitter taste as for me price isn't the main consideration - I just want a 9G 42in Kuro!!!!

Anyway, i am faced with a dilema: The position in my lounge where the televison needs to go will only take a 42in screen. I have seen a PDP428XD at Costco (I need to double check this as they use to sell the 4280XD) and i know time is running out. Do i go out and purchase one of these, or do i hang fire and wait for the new generation Panasonic/Pioneers plasmas become available?

I know logic probably says the 428XD is a great screen, but I don't know whether I can handle reading reviews and forums for the next six months stating how much better the 9G is. Does anyone know when the new Pana/Pio screens will start filtering through, will there be some smaller models and is it even worth taking the chance and waiting?

Any help and thoughts would be appreciated.
I know logic probably says the 428XD is a great screen, but I don't know whether I can handle reading reviews and forums for the next six months stating how much better the 9G is.
With new TVs coming out every year or so, taking that attitude you'd never buy a TV. If the reviews upset you don't read them!

I bought the 4280XD. It's great. I've spent the money. And I'm not worrying about it.

I also bought the Arcam Muso/Logic 5.1. I listened to the KEF SEs and the B&W MT1s and well as other stuff. I was worried that I liked the Arcams best. And they never seem much of a mention/recommendation in the mag (OK they got 5*). But I bought them anyway.
Thanks for your thoughts. I realise 99.9% of the technology you buy is outdated the day you buy it.

My main concern with buying the 8G Kuro is it's not 1080p. I realise that there's not many 1080p sources at present but I do enjoy watching films and i intend to get a Blu Ray player.
Yes. This caused me a lot of pain at the time. But beyond a certain distance I'm not sure you're gonna notice too much difference. Besides, I thought your room/space/gap was too small for a 50 inch?
Yes the recess where the TV will go is 1200mm which is about 30mm to small to take the 50in model otherwise the decision would have been easy (provided i could have convinced the wife having worked hard to get her up to 42in). My viewing distance is about 15ft so I would welcome comments as to whether the difference will be noticable.

I saw the 428XD and the LX508D at Sevenoaks in March. Whilst the diffference wasn't huge the bigger screen was definitely better with the 1080p source which is why i had been holding off waiting for the new 9G models.

This leaves me with the options of holding fire for a 1080p 42in model when Pioneer and Panasonic start their new alliance or biting the bullet and going for the current model knowing its not 1080p.
"This leaves me with the options of holding fire for a 1080p 42inÿmodel when Pioneer and Panasonicÿstart their new alliance orÿbiting the bullet and going for the current model knowingÿits not 1080p."

I am thinking the same thing - I may just wait it out till next years models come out - my thinking is that in less than a season, Panasonic very nearly caught up with the hallowed black levels of the G8 Kuro's without any help from Pioneer and now that the two companies are in alliance with only Panasonic having 42" or 46" sets, they will benefit from a better screens, the newer Neo-PDP panel which has far less power consumption and the combined efforts of the updated Panasonic and Pioneer technologies - you get the best of both worlds at a price which is far likely to be reasonable and at a performance level that will/should not make you want to upgrade for a while. The 42" G8 Kuro's are just too expensive as they have not come down in price like the 508XD's have. If they go wrong after a year or two, then you are looking at big bills or an expensive write off unless you fork out another £350 for extended warranty. A 428XD with the extra cost of a stand and warranty thens works out to nearly £2000!! (in some cases more!). Pioneer will be bringing out G10 Kuro next year and they are already working together with Panasonic - which means far better performance than a G8 Kuro & 1080P (if important to you) with black levels that could be anything from present Kuro G9 to future G10 levels on the Panny panels! Also, there will be newer, better features that a new range brings! Just my opinion!




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