Do Homeplugs cause interference with Hi-Fi?


Well-known member
Feb 18, 2008
I was wondering if anyone has experience with Homeplugs? I'm thinking about getting some to connect my Humax Foxsat HDR so that I can get BBC iPlayer on it. My main concern is interference that it may cause with my hifi especially since I have electrostatic tweeters on my speakers.

Many thanks!


New member
Aug 27, 2008
I use solwise homeplugs and I too was intrigued. So ive recently bought an RFI meter

Basically ive found (At least with the solwise plugs), that the higher the bitrate the more RFI goes through the mains. If just connected but theres no information being sent then ive seen the odd 'pulse' as the homeplugs 'talk' to one another

Basically yes. They most definitely inject RFI into the mains. Im not bothered myself as I use a number of different ways to near eliminate RFI (balanced mains, mains conditioner and braided mains cables)

Id personally suggest you DONT buy any


Well-known member
Feb 18, 2008
It was the Solwise ones I was looking at getting. Hopefully my Isotek Orion should help filter the RFI. If worse comes to the worse I could always disconnect the Homeplugs when listening to my hi-fi.


New member
Jan 7, 2009
My experience:

I was worried about this too, but when I tried (see thread in the signature) I did not notice any impact on the sound of hifi whatsoever. Note that I use QED quonduit filter blocks (I have not tried without them).

Of cause there will be RF in the mains with homeplugs, it is what they are designed to do - to send modulated RF to each other via the mains. but it is not fact that this will impact the sound. the power supplies of the kit should take reasonable care of it.

I would say - do not worry. If you notice any negative impact (which I doubt), you have two options: return the homeplugs (and find another networkign solution) or buy a filter, like e.g. tacima or QED (although QEDs are now discontinued).

I think Tacima specifies RF rejection on their site and I was able to get some similar data from QED when I requested it.

Edit: Here is the tacima reference:

And QED info:

'Power' Socket
Capacitive Filter
Cut off Frequency = 8MHz (nominal - dependant on the input impedance of the source equipment)
Stop-band attenuation = 20dB per decade

'Source' Socket
Pi network low pass filter
Cut off Frequency = 20kHz (nominal - dependant on the input impedance of the source equipment)
Stop-band attenuation = 50dB per decade


As a user of homeplugs and an SACD user, I would be interested in what RFI sounds like through your speakers.

Andrew Everard

New member
May 30, 2007
Have only tried them a couple of times, but in both cases found there was a loss of detail in the sound from the system, and a slightly stodgy quality to the presentation. This vanished when they were taken away.

Now run the computer kit - ADSL router, Ethernet switch, NAS drives - off a four-way with a filter between it and the wall, which seems to minimise its effect on the sound of the system.


New member
Apr 21, 2011
I would like to share sound & vision around the house. I am aware of various devices to use homeplugs to share ethernet around the house, but what do I use to share hi-fi? The consensus appears to be that hi-fi is maintained better using a wired connection, rather than wirelessly?

Having read the above stream, I'm also interested in RF & other noise consequences of sharing hi-fi sound & vision around the house?


New member
Jan 15, 2009
DistortedVision said:
I'm thinking about getting some to connect my Humax Foxsat HDR so that I can get BBC iPlayer on it.
Can the Foxsat not use a USB WiFi adapter like the Fox T2?


New member
Dec 8, 2010
I'm pretty sure netgear make a universal wireless adapter, just with an ethernet output on it. So unless you have wireless reliability issues or you live in a block of flats with competing signals that could work for you, I've seen them for around £40.


New member
Mar 22, 2009
Was curious after reading this if my Powerlines may cause noise on my system, just had a listen with them on and off not a jot of differenc, no noise getting in to the system than again I di run everything through 2 Tacima 6way blocks.


Well-known member
Dec 23, 2007
People don't seem to think out-the-box when it comes to extending their home network. My router is under the stairs, my hi hi kit across the hall in another room.

I simply got my sparky to drill out through the wall and run an ethernet cable round the outside of the house and in through the living room wall so I now have a nice network socket on the wall and a wired network for my kit.

Bish bosh, 60 quid, probably less than home plug thingies? I know it may not be practical for all types of houses but worth thinking about...

the record spot

Used Devolo homeplugs round the old place and my new flat and no issues to report. The system was as good as always (as below except with Mission 752s) and the TV was crystal clear. All present and correct m'lud; no "noise", or other problems arose. I'd recommend them.


I've got Devolo plugs too, one on the modem in the kounge next to the main hifi (its feeding AV and PCs), another on the bedroom's squeezebox touch and a third connecting the NAS drive in the hallway. No difference in SQ on the main hifi that I can hear.


New member
Mar 29, 2009
the record spot said:
Used Devolo homeplugs round the old place and my new flat and no issues to report. The system was as good as always (as below except with Mission 752s) and the TV was crystal clear. All present and correct m'lud; no "noise", or other problems arose. I'd recommend them.

me too


New member
Feb 19, 2008
HHmmmm, this has got me thinking......

Maybe a trip to Maplins lunchtime?

I have never tried a mains filter before :oops: Seems like a good idea but never known much about it or what to get.

Link above looks good though and even if small difference, they all add up!

So is it more from protecting hifi gear or improving sound quality?




I bought the Devolo 200Mbps Powerline Triple Kit from Maplin, it was only £90 when I bought it. I have since added a 4th AVEasy plug that I found on Ebay. The mains blocks that were linked help filter out RF and perhaps other interference, however I would try the powerline kit first and see if it affects the SQ at all. Those mains blocks can have a detrimental effect on sound quality (as reported in other posts), mainly with high current devices i.e. amplifiers.


New member
Feb 19, 2008
Hi Dr Lodge,

To be honest, at the moment I am looking to improve SQ of SB Touch, and thread made me think about cleaning up the power supply. I do not currently use a powerline, although may look into one, or a wifi bridge to enable hard wiring into SB touch.

However, I could plug AMP into one wall socket and a mains filter into another wall socket for my SQ Touch, DVD player & DAC etc.

Could a mains filter help in case of current setup (SBT,AMP/DAC/DVD Player all plugged into wall socket) or possible future setup (bridge or powerline to allow hardwiring SBT via ethernet)?

Or am I wasting good money better spent elsewhere?

Thanks for you reply.



I think a mains filter could help, it depends on a number of factors including how dirty your mains is, the improvement you hear due to cleaner mains and any offset of this due to "degredation" of SQ caused by the filters. The Tacima was given 5 stars by WHF so it cant be complete rubbish (I would hope). Also depends on how precious £35 is to you i.e. the cost of the mains block which could turn out to be a waste of money with your system and your ears.

Personally, if you don't might shelling out £35 in an experiment I would go get one, give it a try and let us know what the results were. I've not tried any such devices myself but did spend a bit of money making a decent 6 way extension lead (using MK unswitched double sockets and shielded cable) and some beefy shielded mains leads + plugs to the CD player and mono blocks.


New member
Feb 19, 2008
Hey there!

I ordered from Amazon! The Tacima only £25. Lindy was more but essentially the same product by all accounts.

I thought the same, it's got to be worth a try and not much to loose :)

Will let you know my findings.

Thanks again.



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