OK. I've decided to try and make my own headphone amplifier. Why?
1) I've read on numerous occasions in various threads that the hifi manufacturers are overcharging for their products. This will give me a chance to more accurately assess this claim. I will be using someone else's design, so I will be unable to factor in the research and development costs. Still, it should give me a bit of an idea.
2) I've been looking at headphone amps for a while now. I was primarily interested in the Stello HP100, the offerings from Creek and Graham Slee, the Sugden Headmaster, etc. I tried to audition a model from Creek at the recent show.....but couldn't really hear it over the din from Nintendo's Guitar Hero stand. I also liked the look of the Little Dot V (dual mono).
It was the Stello which interested me most, but with the drop in the pound against the dollar, the risks of buying from abroad, my lack of success with brokering a recent deal with the single UK reatiler and Russ Andrews simply charging too much, I just couldn't bring myself to spend the money.
3) I like tinkering and understanding how things work. I really liked Ray Palmer's Speaker cobbling thread (whatever happened to those speakers Ray?).
So, I've taken the plunge, bought the tools and ordered the parts. I intend to update this thread to record how I get on.
1) I've read on numerous occasions in various threads that the hifi manufacturers are overcharging for their products. This will give me a chance to more accurately assess this claim. I will be using someone else's design, so I will be unable to factor in the research and development costs. Still, it should give me a bit of an idea.
2) I've been looking at headphone amps for a while now. I was primarily interested in the Stello HP100, the offerings from Creek and Graham Slee, the Sugden Headmaster, etc. I tried to audition a model from Creek at the recent show.....but couldn't really hear it over the din from Nintendo's Guitar Hero stand. I also liked the look of the Little Dot V (dual mono).
It was the Stello which interested me most, but with the drop in the pound against the dollar, the risks of buying from abroad, my lack of success with brokering a recent deal with the single UK reatiler and Russ Andrews simply charging too much, I just couldn't bring myself to spend the money.
3) I like tinkering and understanding how things work. I really liked Ray Palmer's Speaker cobbling thread (whatever happened to those speakers Ray?).
So, I've taken the plunge, bought the tools and ordered the parts. I intend to update this thread to record how I get on.