Difference between Panny TH-42PZ85B and 42PZ80B


New member
Aug 10, 2019
I'm trying to work out the difference between these two sets - apart from the obvious Full HD vs HD Ready. The only other differences in picture technology I can find are that the higher specd TV has 24p Real Cinema as well as 24p Playback (the 80B only has the latter) and the 85B has something called 'xv colour'. Nothing on these on the Panasonic website but I'm sure many readers of this forum will know!

Would appreciate to know what these extra features mean and views on whether it makes much difference (I will mostly be watching SD and broadcast HD as well as regular DVDs on a standard player (no Blue Ray yet)).

Aren't both TVs full HD? I thought that was what PZ meant as opposed to PX which is HD ready.
Yep, both those sets are Full HD it's the 42PX80B that's HD Ready. Which one's did you mean to compare?


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