First the SAM - I dont think there is a massive difference with it on or off if I am honest , maybe a subtle change. The bass goes deeper is what I noticed. For some dance music I prefer to sat the SAM to 50%, but I really need to stop tweaking and just enjoy
Dont forget my CLIC is connected to the line inputs and no digital connection, so it can only get better. Its also a brand new 200 so may even need some burn in, if you believe in all that stuff. I never did until I got my headphones and OMG I do now.
So here we go. First most notable difference is the bass is awesome. I mean I am no bass head and I have always felt a deeper bass means I cant hear some of the detail. Not with the 200 - the bass is simply outstanding - a massive surprise. My 23s have never given such a deep bass ever. I have always liked the bass with the MF PMC combo as it was punchy, but like I say the 200 just on a different level.
The detail is still there. I thought my MF-PMC gave great detail too, but it could sometimes get a bit bright with acoustic guitar and certain female voices. So the 200 has kept that but took away the brightness. It just sounds so musical.
The biggest surprise of all is that at low volumes its excellent, streets ahead of the MF. This is a surprise to me as I had heard this is a criticism some people level at the 200. Suppose it depends what you compare it to.
Few little niggles, like I am struggling to get my headphone amp set up and as its not my 200 yet I have to do the whole configuration from scratch every time as unable to save it yet.
What matters most is the music though - and that sounds great.
I have it for a week or so, after a few days I will put my MFM6i back in the system and see what I hear. That will determine whether it is worth the outlay.
Dont forget my CLIC is connected to the line inputs and no digital connection, so it can only get better. Its also a brand new 200 so may even need some burn in, if you believe in all that stuff. I never did until I got my headphones and OMG I do now.
So here we go. First most notable difference is the bass is awesome. I mean I am no bass head and I have always felt a deeper bass means I cant hear some of the detail. Not with the 200 - the bass is simply outstanding - a massive surprise. My 23s have never given such a deep bass ever. I have always liked the bass with the MF PMC combo as it was punchy, but like I say the 200 just on a different level.
The detail is still there. I thought my MF-PMC gave great detail too, but it could sometimes get a bit bright with acoustic guitar and certain female voices. So the 200 has kept that but took away the brightness. It just sounds so musical.
The biggest surprise of all is that at low volumes its excellent, streets ahead of the MF. This is a surprise to me as I had heard this is a criticism some people level at the 200. Suppose it depends what you compare it to.
Few little niggles, like I am struggling to get my headphone amp set up and as its not my 200 yet I have to do the whole configuration from scratch every time as unable to save it yet.
What matters most is the music though - and that sounds great.
I have it for a week or so, after a few days I will put my MFM6i back in the system and see what I hear. That will determine whether it is worth the outlay.