Desktop speakers for under £100


Well-known member
Jan 27, 2011
My daughter's boyfriend is just about to purchase a new Apple computer and asked me to recommend some pc speakers to go with it - ideally around £50-£100. (he thinks I know what I am talking about :?)

My only experience of computer speakers more recently (mine are 12yrs old) are a pair of Creative Inspire T10's that I bought off Amazon for my son to use with his laptop at college. I've seen some Creative Gigaworks T20's for around £50 but after that, searching this forum, most are either over £100 or the posts are 2 years old.

They will be used for listening to music and films in his bedroom - and placed on his computer desk.

I think he just wants something that will sound as good as possible for this modest outlay.

Can anyone recommend a pair of speakers that might fit this bill or point me in the right direction?
Ok - just noticed a similar thread in the Hifi section but for speakers under £50.

Maybe I'll add some cash (in lieu of his Xmas present) and up the buget to a little over £100.
How about these for £75

Cheers Tonestar - the Yammys look a good option - some good reviews and a choice of colours.

It seems that the choice is either £50-£80 for pc speakers or jump up to around £125 for some budget actives.
Thanks for the further suggestions.

The M-Audio are quite big, although the Audioengine 2 are smaller - all depends on the desk space. Are they both on a desk or wall/stand mounted?

My daughter's boyfriend has bought his mac desktop so I have asked for him to call me. Apparently he has paid quite a lot for it - so it will be interesting to see which way he decides to go. Whenever he has been at my house he is always interested in my HC and especially the hifi. So I think he may not be able to resist getting something 'decent' - which probably means spending over £100.

We'll see, I'll report back..
If he can stretch to £135, the Acoustic Energy Aego M 2.1 speakers are very good - provided there is room for the sub - the tiny desktop speakers come with wall mounting brackets too.
jonathanRD said:
My daughter's boyfriend is just about to purchase a new Apple computer and asked me to recommend some pc speakers to go with it - ideally around £50-£100. (he thinks I know what I am talking about :?)

My only experience of computer speakers more recently (mine are 12yrs old) are a pair of Creative Inspire T10's that I bought off Amazon for my son to use with his laptop at college. I've seen some Creative Gigaworks T20's for around £50 but after that, searching this forum, most are either over £100 or the posts are 2 years old.

They will be used for listening to music and films in his bedroom - and placed on his computer desk.

I think he just wants something that will sound as good as possible for this modest outlay.

Can anyone recommend a pair of speakers that might fit this bill or point me in the right direction?
I've looked at the AE Aego M 2.1 already - some very good reviews. I'm not sure whether there will be space for the sub, and as it's a bedroom the sub maybe too much. Ideal for me though - very similar to what I've got - but I'm not allowed to buy any more after getting the Sonos last week 🙂

The CG T20's will be the starting suggestion!
jonathanRD said:
I've looked at the AE Aego M 2.1 already - some very good reviews. I'm not sure whether there will be space for the sub, and as it's a bedroom the sub maybe too much.

It is too much if it's in a teenagers bedroom and you're trying to watch TV in the room underneath.
OK - spoke to daughter's boyfriend tonight.

50/50 music / films - although he listens to music whilst doing other things - such as getting ready for work.

He didn't like the look of the Creative Gigaworks T20's or the Yamaha NX50's.

He had seen and liked these;

and these although I think he was joking

His bedroom is not over any room that is used frequently so having a sub is not a problem and would be beneficial with films.

As for my (our) suggestions he liked the Acoustic Energy AEGO M 2.1,

the Audioengine A2,

and the Studiospares Seiwin 5A

The Audioengine A2 in white would match his desk, screen and keyboard 8)

I think he may be tempted by the A2's. Would they be equally as good with films as say the AE AEGO that has the sub?

Any further views would be welcome thanks.


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