Denon Avr 1910 & Foxsat HDR problems


New member
Aug 10, 2019
Help!!! - have just connected my Foxsat Hdr to my Denon 1910 AV amp via hdmi & then a single hdmi out directly to my TV. Initially everything works as it should, but as soon as I change channels on the Foxsat I lose sound through the Denon - that is to say the output level drops off - if i turn up the volume on the Denon to say +10db then i can hear the audio at a normal level. If i press the source button on the front of the amp the audio input 'refreshes' and i can re-set the volume to around -25db.

I have tried / checked / swapped the hdmi cables / connections and all are fine & double checked the input settings on the amp.

Anyone else experiencing this issue or know of a fix???
As am getting really frustrated!!!!
I have my FoxSat set up slightly differently. The HDMI from the FoxSat goes directly to the TV. This allows the TV to provide the sound on ordinary viewing.

I also have an optical connection from the FoxSat to my AV amp so that I can benefit from a more immersive sound during more demanding viewing.

This doesn't really help, I know, but does provide another option if you can't sort your issue.
Thanks for this PJ
- I have optical & coax cables i could use but hoped the single cable hdmi solution would reduce cable clutter & should work - as i said above everything works fine until i change the channel - Is there anyone outthere who connects their Foxsat via HDMI to an AV amp???
I have a Foxsat , Panasonic TV and Yahama RXV 1065 everything through HDMI. All works great but when I first had the Foxstat I thought there was a big variation in sound from different sources / DVD recorder etc. Also if broadcast was HD or standard. However I leave the Foxsat volume on full and alter volume with the Yahama amp remote and it seems to be OK now, or maybe I am just getting used to using the set up and turning the volume down if I need to. Ther is certainly more volume than can be used with my set up combination using Monitor Audio Radius, the old models with ASW12 sub.

Hope this helps

pad72, I've been having the exact same issue with my 2310 - loss of sound when changing channels, when the amp / foxsat are connected via HDMI. To cut a long story short (a repeat of a reply I posted to a similar thread)... Denon are looking in to it (I've spoken to them) and have got their hands on a Foxsat, but as for a fix date - who knows. If you're still struggling with the sound, hook up the Foxsat to the 1910 with an optical lead as well as the HDMI, then assign the optical to the "Sat/Cable" input, and finally go to Input Mode and change from Auto to Digital - this last step forces the amp to use optical signals for the sound source instead of HDMI, and it retains sound all the time now when changing channels - i.e. as it should be all along.

It wastes an input and is a work-around not a fix, but who knows if/when Denon/Humax will sort the incompatibility. It works for me for now, and I can carry on playing with the rest of the features instead of getting frustrated! Enjoy...
eagle2 - you call it a workaround, not a fix - but in fact you are doing exactly what Denon (in their convoluted way) are recommending as standard practice, assign hdmi and optical X (in digital section) in the "Assign Values" menu, and then in "Input" assign digital to direct the audio out to the AV via the optical cable.

Its all here in

I think the man deserves some sort of world award for services to Denon Manual Sufferers
Hi wingedwonder.

Yes, batpig's site is a huge help! I've already been there several times since getting this amp last week.

I guess I'm just not clear why Denon recommend the 2-lead solution though? Surely one of the big advantages of HDMI is that picture, sound, and control are all combined in one HD interface cable. Deliberatley ignoring the sound carrying capability by adding a separate cable and consuming a second input - whether right or wrong - just seems backwards?!

The Denon amp clearly accepts / decodes the HDMI audio as the people picking up on this problem are all getting sound initially, until they change channel and lose it, as the Denon doesn't seem to re-handshake with the audio stream following the channel change. To me this seems like a bug rather than anything else?

I have exactly the same issue with the 1910. I have just purchased an optical cable for the work-a-round but there is another way to get the sound back via hdmi although it's a bit of a pain.

Once you've sellected the channel you want to watch and you've lost audio feed press the button that changes the resolution from 576p to 720p to 1080i etc...on your Humax remote. This forces the Denon to 're-set' the audio feed. It does work but like I say a bit of a pain and certainly not satisfactory, but for anyone who hasn't got their optical lead yet it's a temporary fix.
Thanks Eagle2! I had exactly the same problem and I have now implemented your suggestion after over six hours of getting no where fast! It works great. Thanks again!


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