DAC or Integrated Amp


New member
Aug 10, 2019
Hello All. A few weeks ago I posted with regards to which from an option of DACs would be best. Someone suggested that the stereo amp would be the better option. I stream my music with a Sonos ZP90 which I learned on this forum does not accept 24 bit audio. One of my dac options was the Musical Fidelity M1 which upsamples to 24 bit. Does this mean Sonos will not play it? I also mentioned that I'm intending to upgrade my speakers later this year, should I put the dac on hold for now and buy the speakers and then focus on the amp which best matches the speakers? Currently I have the Pioneer VSX1019 avr which does not have pre outs, so that will become another issue as to how I will deal with the connections to watch movies. I'm not getting a break from all directions. Any advice is greatly appreciated.
Carlosmanuel said:
I stream my music with a Sonos ZP90 which I learned on this forum does not accept 24 bit audio. One of my dac options was the Musical Fidelity M1 which upsamples to 24 bit. Does this mean Sonos will not play it?

I think you're getting confused, the Sonos passes data to the DAC, not the other way around. Once the digital stream has left the Sonos it won't care or know what the DAC does with it after that.

It still won't allow you to play 24-bit files on the Sonos though, you'll need to find something else to play those.