
New member
Jun 18, 2007
Anyone know anymore about this dab+, if we get it over here will it make all the current dab radios useless?
All ifs and maybes at the moment, AFAIK. If it's something that really concerns you, several recent DAB radios (including from Pure) also support DAB+, so you're covered in any eventuality.
The World DAB organisation has announced a new broadcast standard, DAB+, which is said to be better than the current DAB standard used in the UK. DAB+ uses the AAC+ audio codec which enables broadcasters to transmit programmes in higher sound quality than under the current DAB system, which uses the less efficient MPEG2 compression.

However, media regulator Ofcom has no plans to allow broadcasters to adopt DAB+ in the UK at the moment, although of course this could change in the future.

That said, if DAB+ was adopted in the UK, it would have to run alongside current DAB broadcasts for some time to enable consumers to make the switchover. I can't see Ofcom turning off the DAB signal overnight, especially as DAB is currently still in its infancy here and many current DAB radios would not be compatible with DAB+.

I am trying to get some information about a possible upgrade (to DAB+) for my Sony ST-DB 900 DAB tuner.

Sony (in the Netherlands) does not give any reply regarding this subject .Maybe that is because DAB has not been succesful in the Netherlands (total sales maybe 25.000 (for all brands) and information is just not available).


Marco Meester