Cyrus Upgrade


New member
Aug 10, 2019
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I've got a bit of spare cash to spend on my system and just wondered what would give me the best results for minimum outlay. I don't really want to spend more than 1K but less would be better.

Option 1 – Replace my old CD8X with the latest CD8SE2 which I can get for a good price x-dem with full warranty.
Option 2 – Replace my preXvs with a dacXP using the CD8X as a transport although I would loose the headphone facility which is important to me for late night listening so I would also need to factor in a separate headphone amp which would blow the budget!lol

What do you guys think? is the new CD8SE2 a worthy upgrade over the CD8X


Thanks Crossie, had a feeling that would be the case!lol. I hear the dacXP2 is been released soon so there should be some good deals on the outgoing model. I might wait a while and in the meantime got my eye on a Graham slee solo Headphone amp.

Has anybody done the upgrade from cd8x to cd8se2? I would appreciate any comments.


I heard that too. Think I'm going for the cd player upgrade after to speaking to a few dealers which should give a better front end and then go for the dacXP+ when funds allow. At that point though my speakers would look like the weak link! does this ever end??lol.